Entirely too true.
Entirely too true.
@ jerodast
That was my first thought but then I went and got paranoid. Yeah, I don't remember ever having a regular class (i.e. not choir, theatre, etc) with more than 22/23 people in it, and those were graduation requirements; electives could be sparser. That's part of the reason my parents busted their asses to…
Is that a shot at my iffy memory (algebra was quite a few years ago) or a general lamentation regarding overstuffed class sizes? I honestly can't tell which is more likely.
Don't get me started on their wonky Ohio, which does not at all resemble the one I've spent 30 years living in.
I was actually rather underwhelmed by the British Life On Mars finale, but the finale of Ashes to Ashes was fantastic and retroactively made me like the LoM finale more. That's pretty impressive.
Well obviously, but we name geeks generally have to make our own fun.
Good lord. That may be the geekiest comment I've ever left anywhere, and that is not an easy competition.
Why would 'Dyson' not be a viable name given his age as far as we know? The spelling, sure, but I've seen a couple of variations on the history of the name and most seem to suggest that it meant 'son of Dye' which was used as a diminutive of Diot (feminine, itself originally a diminutive of Dionisia) or it's a…
Hell, it was almost cancelled after the first — nobody was sure if it would survive the WB+UPN=CW merge since they had waaaay too many shows for one network.
Maybe you heard about this being Sera Gamble's last season with the show? She's been a writer since the beginning and took over as showrunner when Kripke left so it's been a moderately sized deal.
That's pretty much why I haven't been able to hate green Rachel as much as most people seem to. She just seems so insecure and juvenile and sad that I can't help but feel sorry for her. It's like kicking a puppy for having a limp. (Honestly, I'm kind of starting to wonder what her childhood was like between the…
She's nice as long as she can feel sorry for someone or holier-than-thou for helping them but Park (who clearly has absolutely no use for the rich pretty doctor lady shtick)puts her on the defensive, and people like this patient who are weird enough in a specific way to cross over from 'pity' to 'disdain' seem to…
Hell, my mother and I have placed bets on whether it'll be written off as misdiagnosis of a panic attack or silent migraine (her theory) or whether she checked in for an elective procedure and flat out lied (mine).
Their bios on the CBS website gave me the impression they were DEA:
Huh, I assumed that "so the audience can read it" was accepted as a given of the medium. Much like the ten thousand other things that television uses to make up for those times when the audience needs information but can't read minds.
Same reason they use almost all caps for closed captioning I assume: so it's easier to read. There's less ambiguity in the letters like lowercase I and L looking the same.
I don't think it was because he fought the guy, I think it's more likely because he had *already* subdued the guy and *then* continued fighting him for no reason after he was pretty much on the ground. Slamming the guy onto the hood of the car after disarming him? Acceptable. Repeatedly hitting the guy when he's no…
Both of those were hilarious. I also enjoyed the shot with all of the cows turning to face the doors as they opened all "Nice of you to join us." The editors on this show are awesome.
Dammit, I had almost forgotten about Jonathan & Victoria. Thank you so very much for reminding me of their existence. On the list of teams I hate they're below Margie & Luke and the only team that comes close to the absolute bottom of the pack: Charla & Mirna. No one in TAR history has made me feel as homicidal as…
Stop trying to make the show interesting. Apparently they hate that.