
sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I hate it when people call something "beautiful" when they could have easily used attractive, beauteous, comely, cute, fair, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, lovely, pretty, ravishing, sightly, stunning, or taking.

I would like to see the douche-crew moved to the deep south. Somewhere where there are a lot of ANGRY REDNECKS.


They should remake Mystic Pizza . . . .since nobody saw that the first time around.

Hey Hank:
Did you happen to be cookin a pig in the ground? Was there beer on ice?

I wish I could have watched PRINCE 's face as he watched the Who's half-time show.

OH NEVERMIND —-they spelled Pack with a C.

Well I hear that even that Darius Rucker(?) fella —I just call him Hootie—- has even gone country. Not that he had that far to go.

ZZ Top issued a three-disc boxset in 1987, titled THE ZZ TOP SIX PACK:

35 Measure Twice, Cut Once

fukin Luke Wilson, ruining the commercial wars

I just wanna throw this out there . . . I'm a HUGE fan of the ellipses. I can look past the overuse of commas and asterisks. When I can't hear your tone of voice . . . you gotta do what you gotta do.

Give him the

Hell in the the hand is worth 2 Noltes in the bush

Pretty sure he was Ray in 'Everybody love Raymond'

First Lollapalooza: Body Count played their set, but were somehow BANNED from playing Cop Killer.

cameleopard, give yourself some time. Its only been 2 years.

Mr Allnut
Just listen to this stomach of mine. Way it sounds, you'd think I had a hyena inside me…Ain't a thing I can do about it.