A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the world.
What was Martin Landau's response?
A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the world.
What was Martin Landau's response?
Uptown Girl.
#19 Complain about how the yard needs mowing until you feel guilty and do it.
Best of luck to you OtP, however I cannot imagine what would make one want to pair Chili with a diet orange soda..
Oh Goop
when will you learn?
Awww Snap!
He looks like Billy Corgan with hair. His voice sounds like Billy Corgan. He designed the last shitty Smashing Pumpkins album.
Nice try Robuttnik! But you . . . oh what's that?
In Soviet Russia, Jimmy Hoffa's body FINDS YOU!
I used to think MY life sucked, then I found out what it's like to be a 17 year old kid living in rural scotland with a nine inch nails avatar.
I think its going for that "A Million Little Pieces" look. In barf-tones.
YAY Eminem is back.
Uuuhhh, victor:
Brett Ratner's version has Chris Tucker as Sammy, of course.
I hear you, Pipey. I am the same way.
Daddy, whatsa California Uber Alles?
The Other Snoopy
Was it Snoopy with buttons for eyes? Dead Snoopy? 3-D Dead Snoopy?
In a world of shitty kids cartoons, this is one that I will allow my kids to watch.