
Mogwai is a band. I found it!

No, not that I remember. I remember Bo going to this abandoned hospital with Kenzi/Hale/Ciara/Dyson/Vex and then Kenzi gets stabbed, Hales saves her with his "dangerous" siren call and then Cirara dies by fire-shanking from the Garuda. Then the Garuda's just like until next time… MUAHAHAHA and everyone is all shook up.

No, not that I remember. I remember Bo going to this abandoned hospital with Kenzi/Hale/Ciara/Dyson/Vex and then Kenzi gets stabbed, Hales saves her with his "dangerous" siren call and then Cirara dies by fire-shanking from the Garuda. Then the Garuda's just like until next time… MUAHAHAHA and everyone is all shook up.



It's the same as in English. Numbers are pluralized if they're nouns referring to more than one thing.

It's the same as in English. Numbers are pluralized if they're nouns referring to more than one thing.

Has anyone else noticed that Jenna's actress has a different looking face than she did in the first season? She looks like she darkened her hair and it's sort of receding now. She also looks like she got her eyebrows weirdly thinned. It's so disconcerting!

Has anyone else noticed that Jenna's actress has a different looking face than she did in the first season? She looks like she darkened her hair and it's sort of receding now. She also looks like she got her eyebrows weirdly thinned. It's so disconcerting!

19 and reveling in my teen-ness until I turn 20. Definitely a target over here.

19 and reveling in my teen-ness until I turn 20. Definitely a target over here.

The second lizard is the pope! I wish that guy commented in the teen wolf reviews.

The second lizard is the pope! I wish that guy commented in the teen wolf reviews.

Ugh, it seems that any woman that the writers decide will be a romantic interest for Hal has to only have lines with Hal about Hal. Maggie was a legitimate badass in the first season and she seems like she's become Lourdes 2.0

Ugh, it seems that any woman that the writers decide will be a romantic interest for Hal has to only have lines with Hal about Hal. Maggie was a legitimate badass in the first season and she seems like she's become Lourdes 2.0

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus , they're still comedies. Just Shakespearian ones.

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus , they're still comedies. Just Shakespearian ones.

Don't blame the show for that. The show is trusting the audience to understand what it's doing. That is a great compliment to its viewers. I'd rather Shosh's stuff be subtle than her screaming "OMG, I AM SO MAD SHE DIDN'T TELL ME." That'd just be childish.

Don't blame the show for that. The show is trusting the audience to understand what it's doing. That is a great compliment to its viewers. I'd rather Shosh's stuff be subtle than her screaming "OMG, I AM SO MAD SHE DIDN'T TELL ME." That'd just be childish.

Derek was paralyzed. Not Stiles. Oh, PDN. Can't the writers trade shows or something?