Janet Snakehole

I don't see how it's lazy. They still had to write an entire script that has almost nothing to do with the fact that it's LEGO. Making everything look like LEGO is probably a fuck ton of work, actually.

Lego Bane was amazing and I didn't know until I looked it up afterward that it was him!

Hi sorry but, what forum?

My boyfriend used to live with him; he IS pretty fun.
Yes, I pretty much came to this article because I know that guy.

I've known what they look like for awhile and I'm still not used to it.


Actually as I was reading it I was really joyful bc it's been a long time since I've read such an intense O'Neal takedown.

Dunno if you have Sheetz gas stations, but they still have them there by me

This is what I expected this piece to be about

They put in the system that Elsie was on leave. People rotate in and out of there all the time and only Bernard was close with her, so who's going to ask questions?

Clearly most of those people were not hired bc they'd be sympathetic to the hosts, considering half of them seem to be banging them whenever they think they can get away with it.

"…why are you showing me a picture of your dog?"
"SHIT. Hold on!" *keeps rifling*

Yeah, in a world where there are basically perfect robots, I doubt anyone will have physical photographs. People barely still have them now.

This was my main takeaway from the episode

Has anyone ever watched the next episode of a show bc the AV Club reviewed the prior episode positively? I certainly haven't.

It seems like most people work at the park for awhile, then rotate out, so they probably just don't give it much thought.

Yep, on every other day where that scenario played out that way, she was shot, and she has that vague memory of it, but this time was different


I said that out loud about the horses when it showed them making them.

I kept saying "robits" during the show. My boyfriend did not know why or appreciate it.