Janet Snakehole

But they DID relegate him to FX or FXX or whatever after…whatever specifically happened…tiger blood and whatnot…

Watch it on a Sony Box (cool name, guys) and it will make you choose every single episode instead; SO FUN.

It WOULD be great if he turned into something else for awhile

I'm just so glad someone else thinks of this from time to time.
Ya…ya got any gum?

A polo shirt slept with your wife?

That mirror scene in Wanderlust is amazing, but, yeah, none of their movies are quite as good as I always hope they will be.

Huh. I've never seen or heard it in CLE.

Ugh. Curse you "find" for not finding this when I searched for Wentworth before making my comment!

Oh man. Thanks for THAT reminder…

And it's something I've never heard of before today because I don't live in a place where they broadcast the Mets.

To be fair, she was wearing a cupcake bra that shot frosting out of her nips at the time…

ANTM: Fear Factor where you also have to look FIERCE while we torture you.

A guy at the showing I went to yelled "YAAAAAS QUEEEEEN" when that scene started. That was my favorite part of the evening.

I wasn't specifically relating that to the ordinance, but to the people here calling everyone who backs into a spot an asshole.

What if I just pull through two open spots so it looks like I backed in, but I didn't?

Yeah, when I heard about the ad I was like, "Wait didn't he do this AWHILE AGO?" because he'd told the story when I saw him last fall

And he SINGS. Very well.

Basically, yeah, he freestyles for a lady while wearing a jacket with no shirt underneath.

I definitely wouldn't have called that her role after seeing it. She rules in it.

I was very disappointed that he doesn't really strip.