Janet Snakehole

I purchased it on VHS at the time…

I'll have a large chicky chicky parm parm and make it a combo.

It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault.

I hope it's like a Jimmy Fallon Headswap, where it's not actually about that at all, but just a crazy build-up to that never happening.

She could even stay in Ohio for college. Baldwin-Wallace is a top ranked musical theatre program, or at least says it is.

I am joining the ranks of people who disagree with you. If asked as a straight lady who I'd sleep with if I "changed teams", she'd be answer #1.

He's thinking "Man, I'm so good at guitar. I am KILLING this right now. What're they singing about? They should just be listening to how AWESOME I am at guitar!"

Puck pre-this-season's-weird-hair

You don't have to worry about that because you always have one.

I thought I vaguely remembered some comatose sex…and, yeah, not only odd for a date as is, but also since I was for some reason also there being a third wheel while that was happening.

I took French and she covered up a scene where a kid sticks his penis in the popcorn at the movies. So, no, we would not have seen that in class.

Colin Firth was an option? Him?

@avclub-10e60fa84b4c7c8d1f0c166bd731058a:disqus I…have no recollection of that whatsoever. I think my brain did the right thing there.

One of my grad school roommates was watching an Almodovar movie with a date while I was doing homework and all I remember of the movie was a dude climbing around through a gigantic vagina.

@avclub-cf55a3f1c3e9436d5febcd736ed7fc43:disqus Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't find Catch-22 hilarious.

LOVE the Art Teacher.

The best is when your computer won't load the ads and then you get to sit through 3 minutes of silence because each 30-second ad somehow becomes 1-minute of silence. But, I'd need to get an IT person to install the plug-in to use Netflix at work, sooooo….

You mean he might not grow up to be Alfred Molina?

Not to rain on your rant parade, but the guy in Bridesmaids DID want her and, presumably on Mike and Molly, her husband also does, but I do not intend to watch it enough to find out for sure.

Also, thanks, Janet2.