Janet Snakehole

But I still haven't seen He's Just Not That Into You!

I'd rather watch that ending…
[Unless it's MY mom]

Is the middle of that scale none? Because none. None cancer.

My favorite was "A Farewell to Arms, by Hemingway. Good stuff. That's what I write."

But they are in the sense that I went to a preview of it just for the shower sex scene.

No…but she does know what wood feels like…

"Somewhere, Elizabeth Taylor is taking back her White Diamonds earrings in disgust."
Somewhere like…in her grave?

It most certainly does. And mine tends to not be able to load most ads for some reason. Even if the ad was only going to be 15 seconds, it makes me sit there in silence for a minute. Three times each commercial break. Good times.

I do in fact objectify male celebrities every day. So far today: Joseph Gordon Levitt and John Slattery.

Alec Baldwin is definitely putting a damper on my enjoyment of Alec Baldwin lately.

If I'm ever proposed to and see the box before the ring, I'll have a hard time not yelling out "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?!" before he can get along with the proposal.

I must've been doing something else during that scene because I have absolutely NO recollection. Sorry I missed it, actually, because Holder is pretty much the only one I'm still interested in.


Yes, I can, because I don't remember who Gil is or what scene we're talking about.

I think you meant to say, "Burr Steers' classic 2009 film, 17 Again"

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus I miss having a Sea World! On the one hand, I get why it'd seem weird, but on the other, it's not like they're keeping anything in natural habitats, so who cares if it's on a coast? It's not as if Sea World is some authentic wildlife preserve; it's an amusement park with

We [Ohio] did have a Six Flags (Geauga Lake) for a couple years in the early 2000s. So maybe Glee is set in the fairly recent past?

When that scene started I was like "Ooh…Wait, is this okay?"

My boyfriend is continually displeased by my penchant for singing "Not tonight, no. Not tonight….no."

What the heck is the other 30%?