Janet Snakehole

I hope you're *literally* crying and jumping right now.

I *love* Head Swap.

There was a white guy in there, too, until a few months ago

I agree. Fallon himself could still use some work, but the side bits they do are usually great. And like a few have mentioned above, he's positive and enthusiastic about what he does, which I actually appreciate.

That's not sad at all. I bet I've watched the Snake Juice episode 10 times.

Next summer? I'd guess next month!

Will be soon enough.

I had no idea that dude was a wrestler now. I didn't know the career trajectory for law school graduates included I Love New York 2 and the WWE.

They really want those sugary snacks she promised.

Lifetime movies.

I have the DVDs! I think the part I'm most likely to sing is when Zorak gets a beautiful man voice. "My heart is full of hatred and loathing/for your ugly faces and stupid, stupid clothing".

I think everyone on this board knows the answer to that…

So THAT's what I've been doing wrong.

I admit that this was a lackluster two hours of television, but I'd still rather watch it than any other musical competition show. I enjoy the sense of camaraderie among the contestants and between the contestants and the judges. Maybe it's just good editing, but they make it seem as though the judges know each person

I was thinking of this as well, though partly just because I've somehow managed to see that episode twice in the last few weeks.

I love Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I've re-watched it a bunch and have never tired of it.

Changeling on the other hand, I grew tired of within maybe 40 minutes.

My boyfriend's middle school had a reunion, but it was a Catholic school and they'd all been in one class since they were 5 or whatever and then went off to different high schools, so I guess it makes sense…still totally un-fun as a bystander, however.

I liked Hesher also. I feel like it got pretty bad reviews, but I was pretty amused for most of it.

I found that whole mercury poisoning thing pretty hilarious, but I guess that's not really what you were looking for.

I would rather watch a Diane Keaton Chico's commercial 1,000 times than see another Old Navy commercial. Somehow every new campaign is more irritating than the last.