The Increasingly Manic Tom Baker, you may have wanted to kill it with fire, but you didn't. And do you know why? Because with your bitch-slap rapping and your cocaine tongue, you get nothing done.
The Increasingly Manic Tom Baker, you may have wanted to kill it with fire, but you didn't. And do you know why? Because with your bitch-slap rapping and your cocaine tongue, you get nothing done.
I'm sticking mine in the bowl of dicks.
I'm sticking mine in the bowl of dicks.
I'm just hoping that Ryan Murphy continues to spam us with people with Downs Syndrome in a way that comes off as both exploitative and self-righteous. "They're people too! Magical people with PSYCHIC POWERS."
I'm just hoping that Ryan Murphy continues to spam us with people with Downs Syndrome in a way that comes off as both exploitative and self-righteous. "They're people too! Magical people with PSYCHIC POWERS."
Or lazy stereotyping in a comments section.
Or lazy stereotyping in a comments section.
Welcome to principal photography for Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac. Here's your complimentary bowl of dicks.
Welcome to principal photography for Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac. Here's your complimentary bowl of dicks.
What's interesting about this album is that all the percussion on it is actually Jack White punching that one guy in the face.
What's interesting about this album is that all the percussion on it is actually Jack White punching that one guy in the face.
Do paperboys even exist anymore? Where I live it's all the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the…
Do paperboys even exist anymore? Where I live it's all the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the…
How in the name of Piss Christ are people supposed to write scripts or synopses for short visual gags? The only way this could work is if people were submitting storyboards. I hope that the episode where it airs will have Bart writing "this couch gag is fucking stupid" on the blackboard 100 times.
How in the name of Piss Christ are people supposed to write scripts or synopses for short visual gags? The only way this could work is if people were submitting storyboards. I hope that the episode where it airs will have Bart writing "this couch gag is fucking stupid" on the blackboard 100 times.
I fought robots for Steven Spielberg once. Halfway through, I realized there were no cameras around. I had repressed that memory until now.
I fought robots for Steven Spielberg once. Halfway through, I realized there were no cameras around. I had repressed that memory until now.
Seriously, the whole movie is just a guy blowing 400 other guys.
Seriously, the whole movie is just a guy blowing 400 other guys.
You know what really bugs me? When angels deserve to die. It's like, c'mon angels, step up your game. Shit.