incan descent

Wouldn't have been necessary if Sandra had mentioned that if they waited a day, they'd have the numbers they need to go to battle. I don't get that,other than to have the last minute dramatic save from a slaughter.

Yep, QotSA, Arctic Monkeys, and newest season even has some Radiohead.

you mean that excellent space jail movie!

Watersports Down?
I'm really, really sorry, that wasn't warren-ted.

Or she could have, even after the fact, said "Listen, I didn't want to tell you about some faceless man from TGI Fridays, so I told you that guy's name"

"Stop saying that!"

Septic shock, something, something?

Bungalow #3 man.. that's where the real story lies.

Does nobuddy play poker anymore?! When you call someone THEY show their cards, you don't show yours right away. You have an option to then 1) show your cards that beat theirs, or 2) just fold because you lost. Anyway, only thing that bothered me in this episode, loving it so far!

Female Watson and the no shit Sherlocks

Spoiler, I was gonna watch that soon!

I was whelmed under, it didn't live up to the trailer for me.

I like your top 4 so much, I think I need to see #5!

Try "Bucket" - still their best track.. but yeh, that one that was all over the radio was 'orrible!

annnnd, I lost interest.

I may have had the wrong reaction to that movie. I kept thinking 'are they really spending all this money and resources, and risking all these lives to save one guy.. who signed onto one of those jobs where death was definitely an option?' - like I said, wrong reaction, I know, but it just seemed overkill.

He's great in Peaky Blinders too. Just another one of those characters of his that you're watching going, 'Oh shit, when is he going to go off?!'

Seriously, are we ever gonna find out how that bear scene was shot? Incredible CGI? A very tame, very method bear? I don't understand.. such a jaw-dropping scene.

Looks like a Dursley, wot?

Natalie Dormer.. Slow burn.. leaky faucet…