incan descent

Never eat Nepalese food when you're just a day or so past having the stomach flu!   I was in line at blockbusters after dinner, and hear/felt a ripple go through my intestines that was positively a new experience.. I instantly knew I had to get home as soon as possible… but it was not soon enough.

Good god yes..

Came here to make sure someone mentioned that scene!!  Good movie…

I dunno, I've seen 'killing them softly' and this movie in the last week, and they're both better than most stuff I've seen in awhile.  And they share a small amount of cast - Liotta and the irish junkie from 'killing' are in both movies.. so, my point was, as I'm sure there was one, that maybe BP has more than his

No, you're probably not the only one.  I think that kind of scenario just seems to be in the collective consciousness more, which could explain so many people writing about it.   Who knows, maybe there'll be a boom of futuristic utopian epics soon, to take their place?

walk her thru a warm room?  I got nuthin'

oh man, if you haven't already, you should check out his banana dance from 'mitchell and webb look'

I'd need pictures of both for comparison sake…

ha! great to re-watch that.. "better than ever, but not.. better than everyone!"  "you've not been thinking you're the most beautiful woman in the world, have you?!"

He (and Siskel) really broadened my horizons on what kind of movies were out there, and that there were movies of quality actually worth your time to watch (and others that weren't)… I remember being an adolescent/teenager and watching their PBS show - their cranky back and forth tended to crack me up.

holy shit, a justified/breaking bad crossover would be as cool as that oversized spidey/supes issue

Can we agree the giant looked pretty cool, at least?!

the scene where Mark meets Dobbie in the supply closet for the first time is so oddly hot, I can't quite fit my head around it… must be the o so slow booty grinding and the look on her face.

yes, one of my favorite moments in the series.. they do all the setup earlier in the episode for that brief exchange at the door.

Yes!  all caught up now?

Yeh, I'll jump on that yes-train.. Just saw it last weekend, and she is incredible in it, as is the main actor (Mullan.)  Very hard-hitting, hard to watch stuff, but if it gets its hooks in ya, it'll stick around for awhile.

haha!  perfect…  it took me five eps before i realized he was thorin oakenshield

AWW! did i miss something good?!?

I could look at the publicity stills for this movie all the damned day…

"your turn"