
Supernatural, Arrow, Nikita, Person of Interest, The Good Wife, and Elementary are six of the seven veterans on broadcast that I watch (the other being Once Upon a Time). I gave up on TVD though. No Rebekah means no watching. And yeah, Elementary is fantastic. One of the best platonic relationships on TV.

Supernatural really jumped the shark in Season 6 though. It just never again reached the heights of Seasons 4 and 5.

I am going to really miss this show. It struggled a bit in the beginning of season 3, but the back third of season 3 was some of the best television I've seen. Great action sequences, pulpy dialogue, and a deliciously evil villain in Amanda. At least Nikita is going out on top.

Favorite Count line: ipso factor ARROW

Say what you will about Laurel, I don't think she's an incompetent lawyer. It's implied she would have won the trial if Merlyn hadn't persuaded the jury.

I did like the one time where they said that there were environmental protests or something since that suggested a little more complexity.

I really do think that's the plan with Laurel. One way or another she's alienated everyone except Oliver. But you know what they say, from the ashes will rise a phoenix canary.

I wonder though if having the Count fall from Oliver Queen's office window with arrows in his chest will clue some people in to the fact that Oliver is the Arrow. Thea probably should have put that together if she weren't so distracted by the looming verdict. Agreed though, the Count and his death were awesome!

ARROW'D. Or, more likely, SALMON LADDER'D.

Is it too much to hope for a Regina and Marjorie spin-off?

The New AV Club doesn't care about your grade. You are no longer allowed to grade episodes.

Howard can manage relationships with other older white men at least.

re: 3. I did wonder if that meant F/A won both the case and the lobbying business or if they won the case, but lost the lobbying business. I feel like The Good Wife would have made a point about showing the latter.

That he was showboating for a potentially lucrative client?

The new design is awful. It is far too difficult to find the reviews, even for recent episodes. The old site also made it easy to select a show and be taken the page with that show's recent reviews.

Agreed. I'm also glad to see Carey Z. get some things to do, so he isn't just "other bland lawyer".

That's interesting. I don't know if she necessarily has any allegiance to Iran or if it is just fear for her family and their safety. That would make sense of why Javadi's violence bothered her so much - she fears the same outcome for her family. It is really difficult to understand that position though, so I'm not

Mother's Day: Suburgatory, "The Motherload" (2012).

Here's a question: why do none of the comments discuss Fara at all? I really like her storyline and how in some ways she is set up as the "new Carrie".