
There's so much awesome I can't even.

What I don't understand is why she blew Courtney Winters' cover at the party. You never know when catfishing will be useful again!


I don't think I've fully accepted that Amy Acker is a regular on this show. We get Root's awesomeness just about EVERY WEEK? What the what?

Ward is a bit better than Riley. I'm actually more interested in his budding friendship with Fitz.

There was a discussion about this above. I haven't seen X-Files, but I can tell you that I have enjoyed Supernatural much more than Fringe. Seasons 1 and 2 aren't that great though, but Seasons 3, 4, and 5 are amazing. I would highly recommend checking it out, just give it a little bit of time to grow on you. Fringe

Agreed with most of the other responses. Season 1 is not particularly great and you could probably skip most of it. Seasons 3, 4, and 5 are some of the best television I have ever seen. Season 6 was a severe dip in quality, and the show has slowly been building back up since then, with Season 8 being the closest. You

Well only five people died in the Boston Massacre. There is a difference between the Revolutionary War that started in 1775 and the American Revolution that started in 1763 after the end of the French and Indian War.

Completely agreed. And Todd's point about the over-bloated cast is driving this division between Faris and Janney's scenes. I mean we have Christy, Bonnie, Violet, Roscoe, Violet's stupid boyfriend, Roscoe's surprisingly likable dad, French Stewart's stupid chef character, AND Nate Corddry's restaurant manager

I'm pretty much chalking up historical inaccuracies to being in an alternative universe. Generally I don't mind them, especially when they completely retrofit events to fit their story, but that line and especially the "this is where the Battle of Lexington was planned" line a couple episodes ago were unnecessary.

Historical inaccuracy of the week:

Damn. Tuesdays went from my least busy tv night with Happy Endings (RIP) and Go On to one of the busiest with Agents of SHIELD, Supernatural, Person of Interest, AND Trophy Wife (until it gets cancelled).

I am excited for this. I hope my expectations aren't too high after the surprising success that is Arrow.

No sign of her in the promos for next week either :(

@avclub-51bd29e9119b3236b7aaed1632f7d185:disqus Aw, I thought we were killing off Snow and Charming. I'm fine with your idea too. As much as I like her mayoral wardrobe, though, I hope Regina still gets her Evil Queen costumes.

We can probably throw in Belle as Rumple's true love, and maybe lesbian Mulan and Aurora to fill the Lily/Marshall role for the show. Maybe add Red and her disapproving Granny as the idiots for Regina and Rumple to play off of.

I loved how after all this time, Regina is still upset that Emma won the race for Sheriff.

"Scandal aired an NSA surveillance episode before Snowdon even happened, because it has clairvoyant powers"


When the President stopped her from stealing her military and she screamed "I HATE HIM", I just lost it. What a whiny, immature, self-righteous teenager. I didn't mind her in Season 1 because she was relatively new and growing, but come on kid, grow up.