The only question raised by this column is "What is 'twatsquatting', and is there a picture of Dan Savage doing it?"
The only question raised by this column is "What is 'twatsquatting', and is there a picture of Dan Savage doing it?"
But really, how do you travel with The Doctor and _not_ fall in love with him?
Didn't we call the girl who worked at a clothing store "Rose Tyler"?
And Giovanni Ribisi was on My Two Dads, bringing us full circle to contrived shows I watched as a child!
During pub trivia, the question was asked "Which body part is a baby born with that does not grow?" (i.e., is already adult-size).
But, when you're one of the few to land on your feet, what do you do to make ends meet?
Its a commentary on how the socialist society they're forced to make the film in makes us all faceless cogs in a machine.
"early R.E.M." — like their first album, Out of Time?
I lived next door to him in the dorms in college at Oberlin. At orientation, he introduced himself by saying "My name is Sparky, and I want to be a rock star."
FWIW, I'm doing a no-grains, no-sugars diet. I lost 15lbs in January. It works really well.
I still like Batman Begins the best out of the trilogy. And each subsequent movie was a decline from the previous.
The worse experience was having to pay for Hulu Plus to use Hulu on my Roku, but not having access to some shows that were "web-only" bu t freely available on Hulu. But only if I watched them on a web browser. I think they stopped doing that, fortunately.
Huh. I thought her stand-up special on Netflix was fine. Maybe I have low standards. Maybe I was fantasizing about real life Lana Kane physically and emotionally manhandling me.
None of my friends knew H. Jon Benjamin by name until recently. Their preference for Bob's Burgers and Archer seems to be to whichever they saw first, and then they're put off by his voice in the other role. It may be that he's so perfect for both, and yet they seem so different, that the brain has a hard time…
What, no Community notification?
I'd let him tap my hannock! #teambreezy
Supply chain problems?
Eeny oony wana!
Absurdist humor must be very subjective then.