
And I'm saying, "Yeah, like you fucking know," as if any human's limited amount of awareness could really know, either way. The sheer arrogance and hubris for any person on this earth to say they know what God's plan is, or that there is a god, or that there isn't a god, is just laughable. Come on, its embarrassing.

I'm just saying both sides tend to obscure whatever points they may have through personal attacks that have little to do with logic or rationality or even personal philosophy. They're simply partisan positions that they feel need to be defended at any cost, like Democrat and Republican. That's where you get

Pedantic Interlude
The mythology stuff surrounding Jesus was already pretty much cobbled in by the end of the 1st century, according to the gospels.

And another thing
Orson Welles in The Third Man in Heavenly Creatures. Technically, that was one scene (they're watching The Third Man on tv).

Right, thanks Baron. I thought that seemed…just not right, but I realize now its just the sense of it being numbered that made it feel that way.

Thanks for all of it, George. You will be missed.

Personally, I wouldn't readily equate the two (Coldplay and Manilow) as being in any way similar to each other. But I guess I can understand your point, broad as it may be. No one's ever going to incluse Manilow in a debate about edginess/experimentation in rock music. I sort of assumed we were all playing on the

Nevermind that, I just reread the title. Welles ' appearance was more than one scene, wasn't it?

Beatty at #8?
How the hell would you place Beatty's turn in Network after Pam Anderson, David Letterman, Janeane Garafolo and Billy Ray Cyrus?? Wasn't the order meant to be greatest to least greatest? I really don't get that. Beatty's monologue was a clear window into the future, a chilling moment in the film, an

For what it's worth
I agree with the general assessment here of Myers.
He sucks, the film sucks, ok we got it…we got it the first time. It hasn't been funny for a week now. Come up with some new material already, what are you, lazy?

Experimental auto-equals Good?
Experimental can also mean, as in the case of Radiohead at times, twiddling self-indulgent efluvia, signifying nothing and meaning even less than top 40 pop parades. Gotta take the bad with the good, though.

It can get much worse…
I appreciate that the AV Club needs a revolving stable of innocuous whipping posts like Myers, Shyamalan and Cook to work out their comedic demons, and you guys are a riot honestly, but seriously…who really gives a fuck? Taking it this personally is just stepping in way too deep. Take some

Preview looks good
Deep Red

There is no subject
I see now this isn't a new column. I apologise com-letely in every way concievable for not knowing this and promise to self-flagelate for an hour later tonight.

Other choices
This is a great idea for a column, Tasha.

The Lizard
The movies are ok, they're enjoyable as saturday matinee flicks. What I don't get is why cast a relatively known actor for the part of Dr. Connors (Dylan Baker), give him all of two lines, and then not feature the Lizard in any of the flicks? Wasn't the Lizard involved in Gwen Stacy's death (its been a

To hell and back
Pink Lady And Jeff.
A comedian and two girls dressed in pink.
Sketch comedy, if I remember. Only without that one crucial ingredient.

Edit function would be nice. All the hip young forums have them these days.

Three pages on this topic…
Fuck, seriously? Impressive. This is the first comments section that I actually did not have the time to fully wade through. And its 4 am here in Dallas. From way too much Bowfinger Love to the inspiration for American government to Repo Man and then whatever else unholy mess.