Belly Danza

The 1.5 second shot of Josh leaning over Christine's shoulder on the balcony to illustrate to her the proper folding method for tortellini boosted this grade by at least half a letter.

The 1.5 second shot of Josh leaning over Christine's shoulder on the balcony to illustrate to her the proper folding method for tortellini boosted this grade by at least half a letter.

Word of the Day toilet paper.

Word of the Day toilet paper.

See also "Adele" and "Morissette, Alanis"

See also "Adele" and "Morissette, Alanis"

I would like to hear a song by her about what it's like to have sex with an alpaca. But only once.

I would like to hear a song by her about what it's like to have sex with an alpaca. But only once.

I like the chef that was in Beetlejuice, but he comes across as trying too hard.

I like the chef that was in Beetlejuice, but he comes across as trying too hard.

Oh. Well. I like Jeremy Davies.

Oh. Well. I like Jeremy Davies.

Maybe. But after a righteous shagging from Sawyer or/and Desmond, I might like Faraday to play something for me on the piano and then rub my feet. Takes all kinds.

Maybe. But after a righteous shagging from Sawyer or/and Desmond, I might like Faraday to play something for me on the piano and then rub my feet. Takes all kinds.

1. Sawyer
2. Desmond
3. Locke
4. Jin
5. Faraday (he looks like a cuddler)

1. Sawyer
2. Desmond
3. Locke
4. Jin
5. Faraday (he looks like a cuddler)

This just in: The celebrity judges will be Bonnie Tyler, Ronnie DeVoe and Kevin Cronin.

This just in: The celebrity judges will be Bonnie Tyler, Ronnie DeVoe and Kevin Cronin.