Stev D

@Fried Turkey
I agree with you completely. Arcade Fire's days are numbered.

Also Investigating…
Why Smart Went Crazy

Solid Choices
Yours to Keep is a great spring/summer album, my girlfriend and I listen to it every night.

Dr. Retarded
The correct answer would be Dr. Retarded, from the Monster Party sketch. He is a grown man who is; chief of heart surgery, collecter of novelty records, and he lives with his doddering eldery mother.

The Greeks!
They invented democracy

@ Chance
Wolfman's Wedding Reception gets two squeeks, because it is the funniest one of all

The mystery dies with him
We may never know what happened to the Transylvania Twist.

Oh yeah…
Hip to be Square; it makes me think of my brother, who was murdered by a chrome axe-wielding yuppie psychopath.

RE: Answer Guy
Let Down is a major killer. I can't even listen to it anymore.

Simpsons World
Nothing could possi-bly go wrong

My demand
There better be a Surly Duff

RE: Not Stev D
NSD: You're my kind of people.

Blind Item
Can you (while omitting names, of course) give us the most salicious piece of gossip that you know to be true?