
Agreed. The reviewer starts out by saying "I'm enjoying Masters of Sex, and tonight was another excellent episode…" and then spends the rest of the review detailing why she doesn't like or understand the show. Between this and Top Chef, Sonia is not doing it for me as a reviewer.

It was actually the Palace Ballroom.  The across-the-street-party/banquet-sister of the Palace Kitchen.


All this Nixon speak reminds me of one of the best obituaries I've ever seen, from the typewriter of Hunter S.

All this Nixon speak reminds me of one of the best obituaries I've ever seen, from the typewriter of Hunter S.

For the record, Andy Cohen is not the owner of Bravo.  He is the Executive VP of Programming and Development.

Dude,  keep going on The Shield.  Mackey gets his comeuppance and then some.

Maybe Ed was frustrated because he was dealt a teammate who is clearly overweight and is therefore more prone to the heat elements.  I didn't see any of the not-fat chefs passing out from heat exhaustion.

I'm sure some members of the family are as annoyed by Max as I am a viewer is.

I wasn't a huge fan either.  And it was super lame that after all of Kristina's lementing over needing to finally stick to her guns with Max, that she just ends up giving in anyway.  So now Max knows that he just needs to clean his room and make a card for Grandma and then he gets to skip the road trip and just hop on

They weren't even scars though, they looked like recent wounds that were scabbed over.  I was very curious about this myself.

Max is about the least endearing kid I can think of.  He has Asperger's, we get it.  He's still a little asshole. 

I totally want to punch Ryan in the face, too. Maybe twice. Not sure what it is, but she irks me to the core. And was she not wearing any make-up during her routine last night… she looked paler than usual and just kind of, blah. Hope she's gone next week…

Thank you!
Avid reader, rare poster…

My thoughts exactly, Bunj.

"You know Spider, you're a fuckin' mumbling stuttering little fuck. You know that? "

My GE Cornballer burns me EVERY time.

ba dum bum shhh…

Or he could get away with it all, a la Vic Mackey, but be left with nothing but time and space to think about all that's transpired on his watch.

I haven't been that uncomfortable in quite a while.