Precirrhotic alcoholic

Sort of a cunt, aren't you?

Pretentious hipster.

Pretentious hipster.

Yes! Great b-side.

Yes! Great b-side.

I think you're being way to picky with your acceptance of the designation "superstar."

I think you're being way to picky with your acceptance of the designation "superstar."

Sure, the word "gay" was used to mean "homosexual" back then. It had been since at least the 60s.

Sure, the word "gay" was used to mean "homosexual" back then. It had been since at least the 60s.

DDA was one of the first films that I rented on my own that made me feel like I was becoming a "serious" film fan. Great stuff.

DDA was one of the first films that I rented on my own that made me feel like I was becoming a "serious" film fan. Great stuff.

I'm really of a split opinion on this one: season 2 is my favorite, but I didn't care for Mark's character. With that in mind, maybe I'll have to go back and watch it for the umpteenth time to try to realize what they did "right" with him on board that they've done less well since then.

I'm really of a split opinion on this one: season 2 is my favorite, but I didn't care for Mark's character. With that in mind, maybe I'll have to go back and watch it for the umpteenth time to try to realize what they did "right" with him on board that they've done less well since then.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jim and Pam on "The Office".

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jim and Pam on "The Office".

Oh, right. That rings a bell, now that you've spelled it out for me. Thanks.

Oh, right. That rings a bell, now that you've spelled it out for me. Thanks.

And in several episodes the last couple of seasons he has had the best lines of the night.

And in several episodes the last couple of seasons he has had the best lines of the night.

Here's a really obvious one: Jim and Pam. They've been useless ever since they started dating in season 4.