Precirrhotic alcoholic

Someone did mention Heroes already. You should pay more attention, or stop caring so muich.

I thought the panda rape was pretty funny, compared with much else of post-season 6 Simpsons

Oh yes, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO surprised that no one has mentioned that show that you had in mind yet.

"Crash" and "Slumdog Millionaire"

"Crash" and "Slumdog Millionaire"

You described yourself as a fucking missionary. Missionaries are, by definition, complete assholes. So fuck you.

You described yourself as a fucking missionary. Missionaries are, by definition, complete assholes. So fuck you.

So it's trolling to hate religion now? I fear for the future.

So it's trolling to hate religion now? I fear for the future.

Fine, you've done some good things. But you're fundamentally a scumbag, q.e.d. by your statements.

Fine, you've done some good things. But you're fundamentally a scumbag, q.e.d. by your statements.

Please just shut the fuck up, godboy.

Please just shut the fuck up, godboy.

You're a missionary in Africa. That makes you a huge scumbag. Congratulations on your non-transformation from Mississippi redneck to Mississippi redneck in Africa.

You're a missionary in Africa. That makes you a huge scumbag. Congratulations on your non-transformation from Mississippi redneck to Mississippi redneck in Africa.

After many thousands of years of religion, human beings have a right to be "arrogant" atheists, so fuck you.

After many thousands of years of religion, human beings have a right to be "arrogant" atheists, so fuck you.

Agnosticism if fucking stupid. Agnostics should be ashamed of themselves for being such huge fucking pussies that they can't take a proper stance.

Agnosticism if fucking stupid. Agnostics should be ashamed of themselves for being such huge fucking pussies that they can't take a proper stance.

Agnosticism is the religion of fools.