
i get a good chuckle and 20 bucks for saying "Indubitably"

*raises hand because i wasn't paying attention..sorry was reading*

@Towelie..which is most unfortunate because I know who Chuck D is and im a bit younger than they are..of course..im also on here so…

too true

my workout is usually dancing anyway so u dance to whatever makes me groove..i guess..i really should do it more often..as for songs..usually some rap, a lot of actual dance remixes and whatnot..and to end some crazy fast rock music so i can go all out lose my fucking mind. and then i sit and go online.


i remember watching bravo, once a year (i probably will do it this year) for their halloween related movie countdowns…eh they were entertaining enough..but other than that..i have not seen bravo much

I really want to know where"s Jersey Girl? they have gigli but no Jersey Girl? odd indeed

same here but i only saw one..how did that happen? i guess i was a weird kid. *thinks back awkwardly to weird childhood*

a nightmare is approaching
become ever darker with each passing day
another Fockers movie coming is the news I spy
but I shall not see this movie, I'd rather gouge out my eye

A musical? oh wow…with what marilyn manson on the soundtrack? *gag*

Spy Kids.. again..ah poor bastard kids..I bet they will go see that piece of crud in droves…it's rather unfortunate but hey…not my problem *walks away*

I still don't understand why they even made the Cleveland show, no point..AT ALL. and why cleveland for the spin-off..bullshit.

personally as a lady..(perhaps) I do enjoy those kind of comedies as well..always good for a nice laugh.

@TV-Watching Guy, can't be ashamed about it now..you said it and there's no perceivable problem with knowing that…as of yet.

I am truly a sucker for books like 1984 especially, everyone I knows HATES that book, but somehow I rather enjoy it..nothing like a dose of bleak totalitarianism in a book.


Dante is indeed amazing, I must admit I have a certain kind of affection towards the Divine Comedy, particularly the Inferno..no better descriptions of hell…ever.

I bet it could apply to some teenagers I know pretty well I bet. I like songs about girls and/or guys that break hearts commonly…

i am fascinated by nonsensical, unnecessarily long song titles.