
I thought it was great, and the set was gorgeous, providing one evocative stage picture after another. True, the ash tree under which Sieglinde finds Siegmund was not so great, the funeral pyre was underwhelming and Fafner was a real let down (why wasn't HE the skeletal serpent seen in "Rheingold," and Alberich the

I thought it was great, and the set was gorgeous, providing one evocative stage picture after another. True, the ash tree under which Sieglinde finds Siegmund was not so great, the funeral pyre was underwhelming and Fafner was a real let down (why wasn't HE the skeletal serpent seen in "Rheingold," and Alberich the

Either Ballad of a Thin Man, or Tangled Up in Blue.  Some days I might say Most Likely You'll Go Your Way & I"ll Go Mine.

Either Ballad of a Thin Man, or Tangled Up in Blue.  Some days I might say Most Likely You'll Go Your Way & I"ll Go Mine.

The only two that I can definitely recommend are Remembrance of the Daleks and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.  If you don't like those, McCoy is probably not your Doctor.

The only two that I can definitely recommend are Remembrance of the Daleks and The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.  If you don't like those, McCoy is probably not your Doctor.

I, too, am in the "great images and ideas, but ultimately a stylishly incoherent mess" category.  But for a vehement and well-argued case for the defense, see the always intriguing TARDIS Eruditorium blog, here:  http://tardiseruditorum.blo…

I, too, am in the "great images and ideas, but ultimately a stylishly incoherent mess" category.  But for a vehement and well-argued case for the defense, see the always intriguing TARDIS Eruditorium blog, here:  http://tardiseruditorum.blo…

OK, so aesthetically the McCoy titles are not that great, but come on - that's 45 seconds of  CGI in **1987**.  That has got to count for something!

OK, so aesthetically the McCoy titles are not that great, but come on - that's 45 seconds of  CGI in **1987**.  That has got to count for something!

I never much liked "Fenric" either but I can heartily recommend the review of it over at The Tardis Eruditorium (and everything else, actually).

I never much liked "Fenric" either but I can heartily recommend the review of it over at The Tardis Eruditorium (and everything else, actually).

3) Ace killing a Dalek with a bazooka:  "I aimed for the eye piece!"

3) Ace killing a Dalek with a bazooka:  "I aimed for the eye piece!"

I'll nail your tits to the table!

I'll nail your tits to the table!

Can some "Community" fan please have a look at the relationship disclosure form scene in "Interpretive Dance" and let me know what's up with the Dean's coffee cup? It slides a few inches across his desk in two separate shots - not continuity jumps, but the cup actually slides, with nobody touching it. First time at

Can some "Community" fan please have a look at the relationship disclosure form scene in "Interpretive Dance" and let me know what's up with the Dean's coffee cup? It slides a few inches across his desk in two separate shots - not continuity jumps, but the cup actually slides, with nobody touching it. First time at

And they did it partly by bringing in Catherine Tate. I sense a trend!

And they did it partly by bringing in Catherine Tate. I sense a trend!