
He died as he lived: mud-stained and splaying!

Tortal cwontrwol….

Finally got to play the Dark Souls II beta!!!!

He definitely deserved the shit he got for Bay of Pigs; as Mike Ehrmantraut said "No half measures". Either call off the invasion or authorize full air support. Of course its almost certain that it would have turned into a guerilla war even if the Invasion succeeded, but……..


On a related note Ellroy has convinced me that Howard Hughes got weekly got blood transfusions from Mormons.

You need height, man!

That was about Monroe, right?

Say it, Frenchy! Say "chowdah"!

This li-tr-ally the best schoolbook depository I've ever se—

I was thinking "Well, they locked up Vatuu once, they can do it again."

I'm seein' double! Four Simpsons references!

I could use a Spetsnatz squad…..

EDIT: Saw it, yep it was awesome.

You motherfucker.

It's not like were all being sarcastic or something.

Sing a song Rob! Shut up!

Miss Botswana: 10/10 would bang.

She's gone to that well before.

If I Did It by Kristen Schaal.