
I voted for him. Twice.

As soon as she said that I imagined the Bassett's face when she got the script.

This weeks song:

Classic DBag.

I drive a pickup and I'm a History major/ former doggie daycare worker!

That's cuz we're awesome.

I'm from NC, don't hunt or shoot and even I own guns.

I just like the idea of Dave and those dudes hanging out on the set.

Whatever his flaws Ted Turner indirectly lead to me discovering Hayo Miyazaki when they showed his movies on TCM. So, I can't really hate the guy.

Go out to sea!

'Cept for Dark Souls fans. We're awesome.

On a lighter note:

Through the darkness of futures past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds
Fire Walk With Me

Well know I'm bummed.

I aim to please.

I was rooting for him. Total badass.

I like gin and can tolerate tequila but I hate vodka and rum.

Naked Sarah Silverman. Alright.

I've never had this brand, I just meant generally.