
Johnny Tremaine still lives!

There's doctors down on Wall Street

They want what all Scotch people want: To kill the Queen, and destroy our way of life.

Look Sanch, I know all about Linda and I’m sorry, God knows I am. But slapping Dag’s ass about the shop ain’t gonna bring her back any. Now if Dag thinks that the only way to contain this is to boil her, then I’m backing him a hundred and ten percent. That means I could backtrack ten percent and I’d still be

How do I read a record?

You should read Shipbreaker and Drowned Cities by Paolo Balcigalupi. Its hardcore shit.

@avclub-adad33d3da210f8c6efe515ace3e7089:disqus The religion itself mostly, I haven't been to church in over ten years (though I would like to attend a Quaker meeting or go to one of the United Churches of Christ). I dunno how to explain it, really….

One of the towering heroes of Grenada….

My first thought: "Whoa! Tilda Swinton's makin' out with a chick!"


Well, despite the negativity I've associated with religion due to the church I attended as a boy (a somewhat fire and brimstone Southern Baptist Church) I find religion to be a comforting thing. When times get bad I feel like I need something to turn to. Additionally I've always sort of felt that there is something

*bwamp bwamp bwamp bwamp*

*posts Simpsons reference from episode parodying It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World due to not seeing It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World*

"Can't, or won't?"

Are we going let the elevator bring us down?

Learning about Islam through my  various college courses (cliche I know) really broadened my horizons. I think its a fine religion, and I even considered converting last year when I was growing dissatisfied with atheism. However, the background of religious conquest made a natural born pacifist like me a little leery.

He's panhandling on the internets.