Blurry Innervision

For Jimmy to destroy it, there would have to be one to destroy. Chuck hates him and he exploits the fact that Jimmy doesn't hate him back. You could argue Jimmy nailed the last nail in that coffin, but I'd argue not, because he didn't really know it was already dead, and in his mind, he helped Kim keep or get back

Fury is a good word
I don't know if it was objectively the worst movie I've seen in theaters but it made me the angriest

people have hated Watchmen since it came out. mostly for the reason given above in that they loved the graphic and thought Snyder completely missed the theme and point of the graphic.

I don't remember if I saw that in theaters, but it and other sequels were fucking awful. fortunately, I'd blocked the sequels from my mind enough to give the show a chance, and I rather enjoyed that for what it was, given the era and repetitive nature of the series.

As I get older, I go to theaters less and less. So, about half of the movies above I've either not seen or didn't see in the theater.

Major was the one with the vision of the other girl, so needed to be there in case another popped up.

I was going to say that I think Fillmore-Graves killed them, and faked the radio call-in from the paranoid neighbor's isp/phone to frame him, and probably is behind arrowing their house on-line, because what the CEO really wants is the war to start so her Fillmore-Graves sleeper cells throughout the world can spring a

regardless of the CEO's loyalty to zombie-kind, I can't imagine that turning children is a good idea. They wouldn't know if they age yet, and if they don't, eternal youth at that age isn't a kindness, at least as far as I can tell from all vampire stories with ancient vampire children.

I guess Galadriel really did go dark

I got this book as a gift a few years ago and always meant to read it. I'll have to try and find it now

what that means is he asked if we have them and if we can use them back if they do it first, kind of like when he wondered why haven't used more nukes since wwii

I don't rewatch the show, so happily stand corrected on the log sitting scene. While Sasha has been on the show quite some time, I find her role in the scheme of things to remain relatively minor, though that is, I think a matter of opinion.

steve bannon looks like the initial decompression stages from arnold's total recall ending

Well, they overheard Eugene call for more walkers, including the instruction to sweep neighboring buildings. They should have retreated or hid, but the radio call indicated that they couldn't just stay where they were for another shot.

so, another relatively minor character gets extended face time leading to her ultimate demise.
while it took some time for me to see that sasha was mixing memory and daydream, it took no time for me to figure out that she'd poison pilled herself to try and bite negan once I knew she was in the coffin.

Clinton's hubris, if it can be called that, was the sense of entitlement to the primary win and nomination, and assumption that she'd win the general election. She had the same hubris in 2008, and one would've thought that loss would have cured her of it. On the other hand, democratic leadership on the national level

I never got past the 1st season of the original. And since Grimes threw away his original phone that he called Carter with, I wasn't quite sure how CTU was tracking him throughout the rest of the episode. Script editors are important, but maybe I missed a technobabble line about how they found the first phone and then

I had pretty much lost interest in DC movies but planned on seeing Afleck's batman. Now I'm less inclined.

It's only a matter of time before we get Gatorade irrigation fields.

Ah, the flaws of the black and white written word. I was not defending trump in any way. I was attempting to be ironic/sarcastic. I don't post as much as I used to, so must be out of practice.