As Pop finished one other guy's cut, he said see you next week. I think it's likely there was less than a week between cuts and that Chico wasn't hiding for a full week, but it could be a weekly thing, or Mom needs a daily dose of Cage view.
As Pop finished one other guy's cut, he said see you next week. I think it's likely there was less than a week between cuts and that Chico wasn't hiding for a full week, but it could be a weekly thing, or Mom needs a daily dose of Cage view.
I noticed the paddy wagon use, and being Irish and somewhat historically aware, I knew the origin of that word, but I didn't know the origin of black mariah. However, I don't know that it retains its slur characteristic in that it's been called that so long, people rarely associate it with the Irish anymore.
The death or serious injury of Pops was predictable. The only question being when, how and to what extent. Cage is the reluctant hero, so making things right due to the harm of someone important is the standard trope in such circumstances.
It's one thing to happen by a forceful "contribution" and prevent. It's another…
well, that was something I can't unsee. fuck
if you're making reference to the picture and Pop's nickname backstory, I think that was Chico's dad, Fredo, who died of crack. Unless there was another reference to Shades being part of the kid crew that I missed in these first 2 episodes. I've only seen the first 3 to date.
yes, it seems that it was Tone who Dante called as he died, and he either did that because desperation or because Tone was making his own move and using Dante as a pawn
this is why I like the comments section. I get back story that went over my head either because I didn't read the comics or because I'm not aware of the cultural idioms from that area/ethnic group, but getting that exposition inserted in the actual show would be clunky and preachy and unwanted overall.
almost as if workers were crossing the street with it to install somewhere in the middle of a chase scene
ninja lives matter damn it. at least to the extent that ninja actors need to pay the bills
I've not read any of the Cage comics either, but knew she was some sort of cop/investigator
this is kind of cool, but I've only seen the first 2 episodes so can't know how spoiled I am.
Coach: Norm, what are you up to?
Norm: My perfect weight if I were 11 feet tall.
one naked butt, two flashing girls…four freed nipples
I didn't kill that guy by shooting him. It was the blood loss that killed him. I had nothing to do with it.
But that's why I see dark ashy 'things' in this one right? So they can kill things by the hundred and they're not people, so no moral implications. Like Ultron and his robot proxies. I can kill 1000 bots. 1000…
hey, what those amazons do on the privacy of their island is their business. those goats aren't going to blow themselves, are they?
Hey now. Don't go and let facts get in the way of forming an opinion. This is the internet, damnit.
just ask them. they point it out enough just in the trailers
I didn't see it, but wasn't Juilanne Moore the witch/big bad of that?
so, everyone in the movie is a personality, eh?
beauty, the beast, and the beanstalk. ok then.