Blurry Innervision

the kind of parents who raise capable kids who know one end of a bike from the other and have done something other than play grand theft auto to make themselves acquainted with their navigation skills.

No. We need the cold open with the kid on the bike and the train whistle in the background because him just showing up at the wrong time and place to get shot would have been empty dramatic plotting and bad writing.
That open could have led to anything. The kid finding Todd's body (or the engineers' if something had

No. We need the cold open with the kid on the bike and the train whistle in the background because him just showing up at the wrong time and place to get shot would have been empty dramatic plotting and bad writing.
That open could have led to anything. The kid finding Todd's body (or the engineers' if something had

except for the part where he questions whether something was missed in the review and then admits to not having read the review in order to know whether it was missed or not in the first place.

except for the part where he questions whether something was missed in the review and then admits to not having read the review in order to know whether it was missed or not in the first place.

Here's the thing about being cautious. As soon as you start spinning a tale to the kid, he starts seeing that there's something fishy going on. When you debate what to do with him, it creates doubt as to the credibility of what you were doing that he saw.

Here's the thing about being cautious. As soon as you start spinning a tale to the kid, he starts seeing that there's something fishy going on. When you debate what to do with him, it creates doubt as to the credibility of what you were doing that he saw.

You think Mike didn't know that Fring's distribution network uses kids? If Fring was ok with it, Mike was and is ok with it.

You think Mike didn't know that Fring's distribution network uses kids? If Fring was ok with it, Mike was and is ok with it.

and a mansion would have a lot of windows which a mass of zombies would crack and enter without much movie magic difficulty.

and a mansion would have a lot of windows which a mass of zombies would crack and enter without much movie magic difficulty.

I think a good hammer hand would be better for smashing skulls and be less likely to get stuck, but that may just be me.

I think a good hammer hand would be better for smashing skulls and be less likely to get stuck, but that may just be me.

It's been a while since I read the first GoT book, but I wouldn't call Drogo peaceful by any means. There may have been more of a noble savage element to the book than depicted in the show, but the savage is still there.

It's been a while since I read the first GoT book, but I wouldn't call Drogo peaceful by any means. There may have been more of a noble savage element to the book than depicted in the show, but the savage is still there.

not to mention that art may be expressed as the artist intended, but we all see it as we choose to. I get that some movie maker may intend for his or her art to be expressed in 3D, just as some painter may intend to show pictures of headless women spinning on barbed crossed out of their vaginas, but if that picture

not to mention that art may be expressed as the artist intended, but we all see it as we choose to. I get that some movie maker may intend for his or her art to be expressed in 3D, just as some painter may intend to show pictures of headless women spinning on barbed crossed out of their vaginas, but if that picture

I saw it in 3D also, as it was only in 3D at the theater I went to. It did nothing for me, and didn't stand out as awesome 3D effects. I would have preferred 2D

I saw it in 3D also, as it was only in 3D at the theater I went to. It did nothing for me, and didn't stand out as awesome 3D effects. I would have preferred 2D

They said they were going to have people on watch in shifts from the beginning when Rick got Herschel to accept that one person would be armed and on watch for walkers for the group's peace of mind. Of course, that was like 4 episodes and a winter break ago, so maybe they've forgotten that.