
it may seem stupid but i like the little things this show does
like how after Avasarala and her husband had their goodbye and then the body guard came past again and just a simple look at each other and that was enough to tell the bodyguard and the audience that she was staying and the writers didn't dumb it down for

it seems enough people have explained your avasarala/holden problem so i wont mention it again.
-fred johnson working with UN wasn't a massive stretch as ava already vouched for him and the UN even mentions they could disarm the nukes if fred betrays them. not to mention they were facing certain death.. so at that

i haven't read the books but surely the fact that Naomi etc hid the cure(?) behind that asteroid(?) is because its going to be used at some point in the future to cure miller after he comes back alive and is infected? or i could be way off

im sorry, but i fail to see how that should give them a pass or credit.. they brought attention to a minor detail to something 4 seasons ago… this happens in literally every tv show multiple times. although if you mean give the writers credit for actually doing their job right for once, then yes they deserve credit

i managed to finally break the habit this season. i watched the first episode and then lost interest. some new scenes pop up on my youtube so i watch some so i don't have to sit through an entire episode of a snoozefest and see if i miss anything about the show and inevitably i never feel like i do

it was a good crossover but these shows suffer from lazy/unimaginative(ironic in a comic book show) alot of the time.
like… a huge horde of brutal aliens declare war on earth… and then immediatly flee when they are hurt? not killed.. just hurt. what bullshit WAR was that? did someone tell the dominators people or in

one of the things i find most dissapointing is the argument that all the "horrible people or 4chan users" voted for trump…. surely people are waking up and realising that normal people are sick of the way things are going too… but just blaming horrible people/racists/homophobes etc for trump is not accepting the

the main thing i dislike about the season is the corny trust issues/forced moral dilemmas everybody has each episode.
worst culprit is of course felicity, who i didn't have a problem with until this season…
she preaches to oliver about letting the new recruits know his true identity ASAP because "they are there to be

so gay people have to be immune and can't die even if the story fits? i thought they wanted equality? seems like having them treated the same as other characters is pretty equal.
also i always laugh at people complaining about "bury your gays" because the cliche' of black people dying first in every movie (mainly

im surprised by how many people love this episode. i still think its a 7-8/10 episode but the end ruined it for me. after their fight i was thinking "ok this has been a happy episode but its going to end like classic black mirror eps" and i was fine with it because it made sense.
a woman has
- a husband for 49 years

hahaha you desperately wanted a fight and didn't get it. strangely satisfying to see

ok now that its the last episode i can say that the main thing i noticed was how much cottonmouth laughed. like that dude laughed alot and thats probs why i liked him because he had such an awesome laugh. like i swear to god i can't be the only one that noticed this and was thinking " one of the writers noticed this

i immediatly thought of the terminator 2 villain music when the mountain revealed himself to the nun in the dungeon? both scenes here for proof if you don't believe me
https://www.youtube.com/wat… (more specifically at around 0:56 but without the clanging noise)

was i the only one that immediatly thought of the terminator 2 villain music when the mountain revealed himself to the nun in the dungeon? both scenes here for proof if you don't believe me
https://www.youtube.com/wat… (more specifically at around 0:56 but without the clanging noise)

im surprised with all of last weeks "rickon fucking zig zag"
that there is no "lancel hop on the good leg or just stand, lean on a barrell and pull yourself towards the candle"

maester in the citidel "no women or children! >:("
if that was in 2016 there would be
-100 blogs about it
-the maesters would receive death threats

the only way Arya feeding walder frey his sons could have been better is if they copied the southpark episode where cartman feeds that kid his parents in a chilli stew
arya "oh walder your tears are so delicous"
radiohead-"Jeez, what a li'l crybaby!
Are you gonna cry all day, crybaby?
You know, everyone has problems; it

i feel most sorry for the whore pycelle slept with
she aint getting the money he promised her
and she had to have old man balls on her