Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

Rhetorical, eh?

I don't think this is a "major company." Probably just a couple of Russian dudes.

Are you working on "automatically dials local police for help to murder you" function?

I have a theory that people are stupid. Now I just need to get a research grant.

Would a Millennial even know who Ted Danson is?


Can you afford popcorn if you're just a poor boy from a poor family?

Someone set us up the Google bomb!

That bullshit claim is the primary evidence. The low posting status and upvoting of a troll is just extra supporting evidence.

Well, they should be sanctioned. That's not really an escalation.

Reposting comments from SNPP was the whole reason I made this account in the first place.

You really believe his "I speak to many North Korea experts" bullshit? Geez, you're gullible.

This is actually a return to my roots, as reposting alt.tv.simpsons reviews, especially those by O'Neal, is exactly what the original Lt. Broccoli did.

Even better, telling Nabin how much he fucked up a 30 Rock review.

You mean, you don't live your life to be a baby factory? Boy, it's not going to be pretty when your biological alarm clock goes off!

I don't understand. It was non-alcoholic champagne.

Maybe the wording was a little off? They meant "stalk your clients."

Gawker would never hire professionals.


That was Mark Twain.