Did I?
Did I?
I'm sure there are some people who do. There a kinks for everything.
No one wants to get an abortion.
99% of people are never going to agree on any single thing.
Do you have actual, credible reports of the Democratic Party itself continuing to wage a war against Bernie?
Why the fuck would I take a message board as evidence of anything?
I'll decline the invitation to visit any other message boards than the AV Club's. But I would imagine what you are seeing is backlash mostly against "Bernie or Bust" idiots rather than Bernie himself.
The Bernie Bros are almost Trumpian in their denial of reality and their lies.
Fuck that. These conversations shouldn't be secret. That's an affront to transparency of government, not only in the US, but globally.
They aren't.
Hey Ma, how 'bout some cookies?
Right on.
The economy is flourishing, unemployment continues to shrink
I don't think Eugene understands how nets work.
I'm sick and tired of the US Government's anti-manlove agenda. Damn homophobes.
For more information on Grand Funk, consult your school library.
They will be secured in a number of chambers.
I am Evil Milhouse! I am Evil Milhouse!
He's not. He's a horrible disease on par with AIDS, though.
The Shkreli, the.