So, was there another dinosaur extinction event on the weekend?
So, was there another dinosaur extinction event on the weekend?
This kitten's got claws!
We put people in prison to keep them from committing crimes- disrupting the public order, which our system of law deems to be dangerous.
Those are issues that need to be resolved with the US prison system, which should be reformed to be more about rehabilitation.
As a matter of fact, I have performed first aid on people who have been in trouble. I have helped victims of assault.
Now you're really messing with the definition of "dangerous". Losing property is not actual physical danger. How does shoplifting, for example, put anyone at risk to life and limb?
What in the video in question makes you think that these kids thought someone was on the way to help?
Wait, who said anything about ruining their lives?
Dangerous in what way? I'm not talking about armed robbery - but if someone shoplifts, or steals from your house while you are away, what danger have they caused?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Well, that game is pretty shit.
As someone who has attended quite a few gaming events, the experience is almost identical to your weekend, only with more waiting for hours in long uncomfortable lines, less socializing, and less playing games.
an event where MANY people at once could use their phones.
And you said that the threat of punishment doesn't work. So how do laws protect society from dangerous people?
No, I would not ignore this. And it doesn't take a hero to call 911. It absolutely doesn't take a hero to not make fun of a dying person.
So, no laws against littering? No parking laws? No laws against theft or fraud?
Caption: "When going outside, are you sickened by the sight of nature's lush verdancy? Then use this app to superimpose some horribly designed cartoons over it!"
they don't rape and murder people more than anyone else so far as I know.