Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

The Iron Giant was from the 80s? Even the Ninja Turtles, while published as a comic book in the '80s, did not gain widespread recognition until the 90s, when they became quite different from the "underground" comic version, even though they still lived in sewers.

So, why would obsession with character created in the 1980s be nostalgia for the 1980s? It's not about the time period, it's about the pop-culture.

Uh, some of the most popular films in 2017 are superhero films based on characters created in the early 20th Century. For example: Wonder Woman - first published in 1941.

Even more than the time we released all those pandas into your house?

I was way more into "serious" and "art house" films when I was 11-16 years old than I am now. These days I have a much greater appreciation of stupid cheesy things.

I don't understand it. Nathan Rabin went mad in fifteen minutes!

I 'memba.

Johnny, you're a digital errand boy, sent by virtual grocery clerks, to collect a data bill.

How many Simpsons references are there?

The A.V. Club: The Movie

Question: How would you tell the difference between pre- and post-apocalyptic Ohio?

Rebel In The Rye

They found my sock!?

You get your penis inspected at a car dealership??

But it's unrealistic to think they didn't fuck around whenever they had the chance. It's human nature.

I still think the economic principle still applies. Things that are rare will always be super valuable, even if society at large doesn't value them. Think of sexual kinks, for example. Most of society thinks they are disgusting and worthless. But to the people who are into those kinks, they are very precious.

Right. But they shouldn't. In an ideal world, they would welcome scrutiny from the press.

My point is that the government should be truthful. The press shouldn't be seen as an enemy, because they shouldn't have anything to hide.

Right. But the government shouldn't be lying and covering up stuff. They should be welcoming transparent press coverage. That is, if they were actually working for the people, and not being corrupt criminal assholes.

Uh, no. I was getting at the opposite. That the government should be more transparent, and not treat press like the enemy, and not try to hide its workings from the people.