Reposted Lt. Broccoli Comments

So, you're fine with people littering? With their road rage? With them harassing people in the street and starting fights? That's acceptable behavior to you?

[Drops Barry White on the turntable]

And isn't Putin supposed to be a great guy who we should get along with, according to Trump?

Forgive my long hiatus


Lose Your Illusion II.

A guy takes you on a date to the movie adaptation of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus? That's a Dealbreaker, ladies!

What if your school is Drug School?

If he were white, would he be described as "the tall white guy" or just "the tall guy"?

Why do you need any descriptor beyond "Billy"?

It's German for The Pie, The.

President U. Mad? Trollface Meme.

Hey, that's The American Way. It doesn't just apply to rich honkeys.

I'm surprised that Kid even knows what a website is.

But what's the purpose of this description? And when would "Asian" ever be the most distinguishing feature available? The shirt someone is wearing is more distinguishing than the population of a continent of billions.

I don't think so. Maybe you can explain to me why you would need to use those descriptors?

Australian Dollars Associated Press Rocky?

But what's the need for such a descriptor? Can't you just refer to them as a person?

He only thinks that when he electrocutes his testicles to prevent gay thoughts.

I've known many recent immigrants from countries in Asia who are baffled to discover that they're now "Asian." It's something that's foisted upon them.