
Those are some pretty impressive pit stains.

He's really not very attractive in the first place.  Bland white guy syndrome.

Is it just me, or is JT looking hilariously dim in that picture up top?

Is the plural of "Mogwai" just "Mogwai"?  Like "deer"?

This track is entirely underwhelming.  It doesn't do anything he hasn't already done a dozen times before, and the intro is HORRENDOUS.

I like it too, and this is coming from a huge 'Alien' fan!

I like it too, and this is coming from a huge 'Alien' fan!

Thank you, Genevieve, for highlighting this track.  'Only You' is brilliant stuff, and Halcyon is one of my favorite albums this year.

Thank you, Genevieve, for highlighting this track.  'Only You' is brilliant stuff, and Halcyon is one of my favorite albums this year.

I really can't stand NPH.

I really can't stand NPH.

Who puts Slim Jims in the fridge??

Who puts Slim Jims in the fridge??

Jason Sudeikis is a babe…

Jason Sudeikis is a babe…

Kylie is an international treasure.  We don't appreciate her enough!

Kylie is an international treasure.  We don't appreciate her enough!

Avary was in jail for vehicular manslaughter, I believe.  That probably held things up.

Avary was in jail for vehicular manslaughter, I believe.  That probably held things up.

I can only assume he'll be donating to the *wrong* charities, so everyone can still hate him.