Darling Of The City Fathers

@tomandlu:disqus, the mother is raising obese children. If she's not stupid she's either lazy or malicious.

@avclub-e9f4bab0a3f1a98c3a38e25de94f37bd:disqus, you don't know about Fucking bingo.

So they are just malicious or lazy, that's much better!

Huh, hadn't seen the stuff from the first season. It's just shit and depressing.

Great comment.

@karp - Fucking bingo.

It's been downhill since Phipps left, I use to say that as a joke, now I'm really coming around to it.

perfect combo of name and comment.

You're bang on it doesn't take being a sociopath to kill for the "good" of your nation, but what of the ways in which you kill? I think we can agree a soldier on a battle field killing another soldier from the other side isn't necessarily a sociopath (though of course they could be and the military attracts that type)

The issue that the film revolves around is - would Congo have been a killer had he not been part of a movement that rewarded it? Are you a sociopath if what you're doing is for the "good" of your nation? So many other people also committed the same sort of atrocities, were they all looking for an excuse or was it

You could at least get the plot points right.

There's nothing wrong or unusual or small minded with making a show for a particular demographic, it's the basis of most TV and all TV at least considers it.

Just because the creators are gay men it doesn't follow they created it for gay men, that's a bit of a small minded attitude.

In terms of whether they will reconcile - yes. In terms of whether it;s a good decision - hell no. Piper was clearly happy in her life before prison but after Alex, she's learning some tough much needed lessons but I'd like her to be happy after all this is over.

Only as they assumed Mendez was the kind of asshole who wouldn't use a condom which is fair, but then I doubt even he'd be stupid enough to have sex with a prisoner without bagging up.

I didn't hate Larry ever but his radio interview was probably the stupidest thing I've seen a character do all year - if someone you know is in prison you don't broadcast their secret feelings about other inmates when you know they will be listening. That's some epically dumb shit.

Absolutely, I hope I haven't come across as personally rude or rudely dismissive, if so I apologise. It has been a good discussion and I will be taking some of the things on board, though of course I can't agree with a lot of them. Thanks.

Moore's objection to LxG is around the crazy lawsuit about Cast Of Characters not that it isn't any good. My issue is that Moore creating a refracted, post-modernist work is not the same as a studio just using the cultural caché of the characters and LxG itself. And yeh I could have been clearer about that.

"just that the actions he takes as an artist are no different than other
artists have done that he has made derogatory comments about."

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus Interesting story, I had no idea about that. But I'm not sure it refutes anything I've said. Moore could be sued for using a character from a story he doesn;t have any right or freedom to use it wouldn't impinge upon the quality of his work.