Willheim Shmidt

Myspace was still a thing when that movie was out. But it makes it funnier now I guess

Man what a contrast between How I met and 2 and a half. How can one not vomit after seeing the latter after it like a disgusting after dinner mint

Does Zooey get naked or next to naked in each episode? If not I'll pass

I have a theory:

How could anyone say this was the shark-jumping season, not last season? Does everyone forget how bad last season was? This season overall was 10x better. I'd say this season was a redemption, with only the car periscope being the bad episode that sticks out

It is cool that Nike actually made these but seriously, whoever would go out and wear these is a major doucher. What would you actually do with it if you bought it?

He's a Ki..BONG

Have you seen the first couple seasons of the show?

naww Andy Dick's tuesday involves more calling people kikes

The rule of parody is, it is supposed to be also funny for those who don't understand the reference. So as I have not seen the King's Speech and I didn't find it funny, and was mostly confused by it, it completely failed. And since when did the office start parodying movies, scary movie style?

I think you guys are paying way too close attention to a sitcom…

fool me once: CANCER-AIDS!!!!!!!!!!!

nICE 1 aVcLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a zero story Avclub. REPORTING ON A RUMOR LOL. I EXPECT BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BETTTER I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss Leslie Nielsen
That is all.

Curses! I have mispelt my comedic nickname! I must change this posthaste! is therwe a way to do so?

lol in the new carter late night book they talk at length at how Norm was the wrong guest put on too many times.