
Oddly enough, it still does that in the 7 minute version—but it expands the jammy bit and distributes it within the song in a way that increases the tension.

Actually, you know who needs to write a memoir? Ron Perlman. That guy has an amazing filmography, and tells the best stories. His hilarious commentary is the only reason ever to watch 'Quest for Fire'.

Wait…does this mean they might start marketing Cherie Currie dolls? I want one!

As much as I would love to know about David Bowie from David Bowie, he strikes me as the kind of self-erasing (as opposed to self-effacing) artist who'd rather not get his personae mixed up with anything so mundane as a real life story.

Not only should you not pare it down, expand it with the original full length tracks and mixes that were cut from the 'Dream Factory'—the version of 'I Could Never Take The Place of Your Man' (my all time favorite Prince song) is nearly 7 minutes long.

According to the Ricky Gervais Show, modern ties are an atavistic holdover from an era before the development of buttons. It was the only way to hold your collar closed.

According to the Ricky Gervais Show, modern ties are an atavistic holdover from an era before the development of buttons. It was the only way to hold your collar closed.

Oh come on—You know I would never sink so low as to insult your exceptionally jejune tastes in popular culture.

Oh come on—You know I would never sink so low as to insult your exceptionally jejune tastes in popular culture.

As for any masked adventurer who opts for a noose around the neck—he may seem to be someone we ought to look up to, placed on the proverbial pedestal even, but in the end, he's got nothing to stand on.

As for any masked adventurer who opts for a noose around the neck—he may seem to be someone we ought to look up to, placed on the proverbial pedestal even, but in the end, he's got nothing to stand on.

The key to 'Pan's Labyrinth' is that it operates in the tradition of Magical Realism which played a greater role in the fiction of Latin America (where it began I think) than in the US. I'm not willing to go out on that particular limb, but I'm guessing you could make the case that Del Toro's entire oeuvre is a fusion

The key to 'Pan's Labyrinth' is that it operates in the tradition of Magical Realism which played a greater role in the fiction of Latin America (where it began I think) than in the US. I'm not willing to go out on that particular limb, but I'm guessing you could make the case that Del Toro's entire oeuvre is a fusion

That's the reference—but the joke is that Tim Curry reading the paper would be far more entertaining. I imagine him at home wearing a melange of discarded bits from his old film costumes—the stockings from 'Rocky Horror'…the horns from 'Legend'…but otherwise lounging in a tastefully decorated living room.

That's the reference—but the joke is that Tim Curry reading the paper would be far more entertaining. I imagine him at home wearing a melange of discarded bits from his old film costumes—the stockings from 'Rocky Horror'…the horns from 'Legend'…but otherwise lounging in a tastefully decorated living room.

Too bad they didn't go with Tim Burton to direct—he would have naturally cast Johnny Depp as Pennywise and Depp, as we know, blends with his own white pancake face make up.

Too bad they didn't go with Tim Burton to direct—he would have naturally cast Johnny Depp as Pennywise and Depp, as we know, blends with his own white pancake face make up.

A thick noose around the neck does not strike me as the most sensible accessory for today's on-the-go crime fighter.

A thick noose around the neck does not strike me as the most sensible accessory for today's on-the-go crime fighter.

Have some cake HGL, and feel free to eat it, too.