
I'm so pleased the write up mentions that Jodeci business—For about 15 years now, I have been pointing to Stevie Wonder as the example of what a good contemporary R&B vocalist should aspire to. To an extent, it is his fault, but nowadays, and especially since the advent of American Idol type performance shows,

Nick-at-Night made a big deal about "Moving into the 80's" when it began to run 'Mork & Mindy' in the mid 90's. It should have just admitted that it was giving up. Prior to that time, it was the place to go for MTM (which effectively changed my whole understanding of television history) and even earlier exposed me to

I had no familiarity with the comic going in and had next to no expectation that I would enjoy this movie—I only watched it because it was on when I was busy and nothing else was. I've never liked Cera. I wasn't aware of the 'Shaun of the Dead' connection and am not much of a video gamer. But once the film got going I

Stray Observations
There's no indication that Holder is part of a larger, season long conspiracy. All we know is that he faked that last photo and then told someone that it worked and that "he's going down". That could as easily have been a last minute push to get a conviction as the culmination of Byzantine intrigue.

Anatomy of a thread:

I don't know what White kids listen to—but I recently heard a senior at my school singing the lyrics to Sheila E.'s 'Glamorous Life' and I recently saw another kid wearing a De La Soul '3 ft. High and Rising' pin. In each instance I couldn't be more thrilled.

Oh I get it—
Like 'V' only not stupid.

Nicely put.

'In the Court of the Crimson King', actually. I discovered late King Crimson on my own after hearing 'Elephant Talk' on WFNX. Same guy also first played 'Tarkus' for me as well as Camper Van Beethoven.

Amanita muscaria? Bright red with white spots? I'd have that looked at.

'Totally Krossed Out' is about half a great golden age album—which is no mean feat given the standard at the time. The production is outstanding.

I have become comfortably dumb.

The first person I knew who was into the DK's was also the person who first played King Crimson for me. Punk orthodoxy is just as ridiculous as anyone who follows it.

Ever hear of Joy Division? I don't think they are as purely a high school band, but if the category is "the world sucks" they pretty much own it.

Yeah, but Miller that was still in the days when breaking three pages still meant something. I bet if they resurrected it it would get more—as much as some of the more niche market reviews anyway.

'Suburbia' on Nightflight—I don't know. If they did I didn't see it.

The problem with a characterization of Funk as "Black America's heavy metal" is that it depends on an entirely White contextualization. As such it's suspect on the face of it—even as I would concede that Funk and Heavy Metal can have some definite similarities (especially in the reliance on the riff as alternating the

My favorite Nightflight film was 'Urgh! A Music War' but I haven't seen it in ages.

This is where I'd say "ooh, snap!" if I were the kind of guy who says that sort of thing.

I liked that too—especially since I prefer Chic anyway.