
I was assigned to read the greatest American n0vel and possibly the greatest of all novels as a Junior in high school. Needless to say, most of it went over my head at that age as it did everybody else—and I was no slouch in that class—but I especially missed out on the humor. I read it again in college and

Your wish is my product launch announcement:

Snoop instills Mumblecore.

"If a computer behaves in a way indistinguishable from a human, don't we then have to make the same assumption about that computer"

Liking life is not a fear of nonexistence—an inability to let it go is. I can appreciate your distinction on change, but I'm willing to suggest that "If you like life, you like it for what it is" extends to its finite nature (for individuals anyway). Pining for eternity is, to me, a refusal to adapt to change.

And they always had the twin perennial sports anthems 'We are the Champions' and 'We Will Rock You'—but that just added to the confusion.

Mmmm…Vietnamese cutlets.

'Flash Gordon' is no piece of shit movie. Queen is absolutely appropriate for it.

That's good. I was seriously starting to think my memory was getting unreliable.

Merely details.

Or Gilgamesh.

"Amoebas die, btw" You know what I mean. Sex is what keeps the species going as individuals inevitably die. Sex and death are connected—I didn't make that up.

You could make the case that he was a ghostbuster.

"one badass motherfucker"

No really
Hear me out—Johnny Depp as Houdini. I believe he'd actually learn how to wriggle out of a straitjacket while dangling from his ankles (if, of course, he hasn't already done that for some Tim Burton movie).

There's at least one collection of short stories—but I wouldn't get to them until after 'Cat's Cradle' (which I would put first) then 'Slaughterhouse', then 'Breakfast'.

Didn't you do this already?
And I don't mean the inventory that was mentioned in the article (although it was my commenting debut on the AVC—which I had started reading after Roger Ebert went on hiatus) but more recently, just a few months maybe even weeks ago?

"using other people's completions to form its suggestions, not coming up with them sui generis"

Here's what I'm thinking—keep the title, set it in a convent.

But think of the children!!