
Shoulda been called 'Public Enema Number 1'.

SPOILERS—He's one of the rapists. Or he would be if his friends had their way, but ya see he's incapable of "performing" and it's just as painful to see him exploited as it is her, because we're supposed to think he'd maybe be a nice guy otherwise (and doesn't at any rate really understand the implications of

Yes it can be distracting when people buy fake products. But product placement that just kind of sits naturalistically in the background is not the real problem. What I can't stand is when a TV character for no reason gushingly describes the features of their car. 'Bones' does this at least once an episode (and I

No—because we all assume we'd be such excellent subjects ourselves.

I Expound on Your Thesis

Flaubert, I think that killing off Hollaran so abruptly was the point where Kubrick steals the movie from Stephen King once and for all—and I think it's a deliberate challenge to King fans who were watching the film with the book in mind, saying all bets are off, this is not familiar territory and just because you

He married Laurie Anderson—That's kinda worth hearing about.

The Barn Raising…

Who's a jerk?
There's absolutely no reason to expect that someone who is a good actor, musician, or visual artist should be able to articulate for others what goes into that art—any more than the average athlete (It is somewhat more reasonable to expect it of writers though—since being articulate is part of their

Does the remake recapitulate the mentally challenged guy? Ugly ugly ugly movie.

So—are there no rednecks in Iowa?
Or do the ones that live there just refrain from the kicking of shit?

I'm going to say it again—I watched a National Geographic special on Netflix about real life wolverines and they are some scrappy little bastards. They're basically giant weasels who don't hibernate so they have to keep eating all the fucking time—and so they hunt some, but they also dig up corpses—some of them quite

There are White Castles in Ohio.

But even China is not a real military threat to the U.S.—Communist expansionism was pretty much rendered obsolete when the Soviet system fell. Now the world domination model is quasi-capitalist and neo-colonial, which is to say that things like soverienty, national borders and physical occupation are irrelevent. Why

"set it in Mexico"

I'm pretty sure originally the costumes originated in the gym clothes of the first half of the century and earlier—the kind of thing you'd see on circus strongmen, gymnasts, tumblers, wrestlers and in men's physique magazines, which, despite their obvious homo-erotic appeal, were the primary sources for images of

I find it hard to believe that people don't see what 'Hostel' is. It's not just gore for its own sake, it's a dramatization of the new Ugly American, of American xenophobia, and the fear that a new social order abroad may learn from our tradition of exploitation and invert it. If Roth really wanted to make the point

"a web of gaffer's tape"

It totally matters!

I was not a fan of 'Superstition' and its incorporation of a well known Schoolly D. beat, but I think it would be a mistake to suggest that there was no understanding of Hip Hop in the Banshees. After reading all this I revisited the whole Siouxsie catalog and what struck me was how completely and competently the song