
Don't forget the adolescent pair—like some kind of Feline Wonder Twins but without the gimmicky shapeshifting.

Hmmm…you mean Diana?

Cosmocats? Were they also Soviet?

I think that would also be a good way to force yourself to listen to whole albums in order all in one sitting—which is something I rearely get to do anymore, except occasionally at work if the material is conducive. I'm all for mp3's and downloading and shuffling the iPod, but I fear the idea of the concept album—or

The first time I heard Buzzcocks' 'A Different Kind of Tension' I was peaking on the greatest acid trip I ever experienced and ever since it has played the same role in my life that I imagine 'The White Album' did in Charles Manson's. Not that it outlines my plans for mass murder and race war ort anything, but it does

Having opinions about things you have no experience with means never really having to defend them in critical terms.

The key to the misunderstanding of what Punk was initially is that bands like Talking Heads and Television and Blondie predate the codification of "Punk" as an orthodoxy. That didn't happen until Sire records proposed the alternative (and "safer") marketing term "New Wave" which set in motion a "Punker than thou"

When I was in college the local "alternative" station used to play debut albums all the way through on, I think it was Mondays. I got into a lot of records that way. But radio is so formatted now that I wonder how often that can even happen anymore.

R.E.M.'s 'Fables' was the first album that I ever went throught this process on—Did not like it for years. Now it may be my favorite—I certainly listen to it more than any of the others.

One of the things I like most about RDR is that, as someone who has sucked at driving games since 'Pole Position' the few driving requirements of RDR are easy enough (For instance, you really have to work to run your horse off a cliff—they are smarter than you are in that respect) or else skippable altogether.

I love the line about it being true that Jews have horns except in Germany where they have stripes.

I'm living the dream! I have a Bowflex body and I play in a Rock band!

Windows of opportunity
I've made the case before with literature (Vonnegut, The Beats, Salinger) that some art has an age/maturiry defined window of opportunity, and if it lands at the right time for you, then you will likely value it forever, but if it lands too soon or too late you may never "get" it. This is

I'd say the real upside of 'Blade Runner' is seeing things you people wouldn't believe—i.e. attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, C-beams glittering in the dark near the Tannhauser gate—you know, that sorta thing.

"acting irrationally"

I just read it and it's pretty good as an exercise—And I'm all for a little intertextuality—but I have some questions—Does it work if you read it without having seen the movie? Because I definitely relied on my knowledge of the movie (which I just watched again over the weekend) as I read—Also, does it refer to the

I wonder if the charges of classism hold up when you consider that education and not wealth is the main factor in determining the likelihood to put off reproduction. Sure, education generally and higher education specifically are more available to the affluent, but as someone who has no children, lots of education and

After years of hearing how good 'Phantasm' was from Horror fans—I was stunned at how much it looks like the movies my friend Tim used to make with his super-8 camera when we wer in grade school in the early 80's.

Watching the 'Terminator' TV show recently and playing a lot of 'Red Dead Redemption' made me think it would be pretty cool to do a big sandbox type game with 'Terminator' mythos. You could have specific missions, play either human or robot with different advantages and disadvantages (for example—a Terminator could do

Murray—Present—et al.: