
Guys—I'm on the cusp of 40. I all but stopped drinking because it became too much work and expense for too little inebriation. I too am going grey instead of bald and I'm totally okay with that because, really, who wouldn't choose George Clooney over George Costanza?

Doesn't 'Canticle for Liebowitz' end on a positive note—a new Renaissance after a period of neo-medieval darkness? I'm kind of holding out for that one being at least a partially true prediction.

I know—let's parse the superficiality of Hipster cowardice (as in, am I allowed to like what I like or d0es everything have an expiration date linked to its relative perception outside the arbitrary bounds of my own social circle?) instead of regarding the film as a text in its own right.

I believe that calls for a "Zing!".

Tyrell probably couldn't leave earth—he was too old. Physical condition was a prerequisite for off-world emigration (which is why J.F. Sebastian couldn't go). But at any rate, why would he? He could aff0rd to literally live above it all—like the elite in 'Metropolis' a film that greatly informs it . I think Anywhere

Enjoy Yourself—It's Later Than You Think
This reminds me of interviews with East Germans around the time the Berlin Wall fell—I specifically remember one family suggesting that freedom of choice and expression was not worth sacrificing the financial and personal security he and his family experienced under the old

Even if we were to conquer the inevitable decline and fall of techno-dependent society, we will certainly never have flying cars. The fact is that (with most things that aren't Bell telephone pr Pan Am) 'Blade Runner' got it absolutely right—who in that film has spinners (flying cars)? The ultrawealthy and the

Actually, I didn't hear Geto Boys until college, but damn are they funny.

Summer Glau makes me feel fine
I just watched the Terminator series all in a row and was actually quite moved at times. It's far from perfect—and the least interesting aspect was Sarah Connor herself—but whenever Cameron was the focus it was great. Summer gives good quizzical.


I May be Late to the party
But I'm bringing the Geto Boys, Too $hort and Schoolly D. I'm sure age plays a part in this, but I can still find the same goofy humor in all of their cartoonish violence, misogyny and homophobia that I did when I first heard them in high school. I would not be so generous with anybody

Bigfoot totally had an agent in the late 70's—Anybody remember the Bigfoot board game—something like Parcheesi or Sorry maybe, but which featured a plastic figure that stomped around the board randomly landing on your pieces and sending them back home? Maybe it was a fever dream. I know for sure Bigfoot lived in our

'Player Piano' feels formative, too. It's been a while, I liked it but as I recall it was a like a pretty normal Young Adult take on '1984' (an impression I also got from 'Harrison Bergeron' except that the latter was Vonnegut in a more fully realized voice)—until the end where all hell breaks loose and the

I'm sure—plus I doubt James Brown would have tolerated Jimi's lack of discipline in terms of appearance or the freedom of his rhythmic sense. There's a reason Bootsy got so far out and sloppy (in a Cosmic way) after playing with him, James Brown was kind of a school marm. Here's one version of his R&B days:

I don't know about millions of books—my experience is primarily with independent bookselling—but bookstores go to publishers directly for initial orders, for ongoing large orders, and for quick replenishment of fast-selling titles—the ones that make or break a season—like 'Primary Colors' did back when I was a

People I knew who worked at Books-A-Million claimed "alphapretty" was akin to placing the milk at the back of a grocery store—If you have to work through all these other books to find what you are looking for, odds are something you didn't know about would also catch your eye. But if your own staff can't find the milk…

Jeff Altman Proves that Some Humor has an Expiration Date
HBO recently ran one of its earliest comedy specials—a showcase (hosted by the Smothers Brothers) for young comedians that aired in 1982 or something—and I think Jeff Altman was on it. If it wasn't him, I apologize, but my god was that a hateful 10 minutes of

Raincoats and Young Marble Giants and Gang of Four
So when are the Au-Pairs getting back together? Or the Mo-dettes? Or the Contortions? Or DeFunkt? I want a 'Monsters of Angular Vaguely Political Funk-Inflected Post-Punk Tour' and I want it before supper.

Yes—it's the Montgomery Alabama-based chain that bought out Dayton, Ohio's legendary Books & Co. (allegedly one of the sources for the Borders model) the year I was working there just before I started. They kept it as a kind of flagship or something, but over the course of the year they relocated its art dept. and

I don't think you will see clearance sales the way you do in other retail establishments. New (as opposed to used) books can be returned for credit with publishers—which is exactly what the ailing Borders is in need of. I'm guessing that's what will happen to most of the inventory. Even mass markets are worth more