
Yes, Lynch makes more direct reference to 'Carnival of Souls' in other films ('Lost Highway' in particular—which incidentally also makes the most direct references to 'Kiss me Deadly') and I do think you could specifically trace the white pancake makeup on Dean Stockwell to the apparitions in that film—but the larger

Well, as I said, I'm not that kind of alarmist and I do avoid it—but I'm also not claiming that Twitter iself violates anything. My point is that so many people, given the opportunity (in the form of the platform that is Twitter), CHOOSE to reveal themselves so readily and openly (and in the case of those in the

"it was Dylan on Subterranean Homesick Blues"

"New Wave was an outgrowth of Punk"

"the template for David Lynch's entire career"
—is actually 'Carnival of Souls'.

Cherries, I tend to agree with that sentiment about most things—and it's why I usually don't bother posting about those things I don't like, know or care about—but Twitter may actually be bad for us beyond our individual distaste for it. I'm not that kind of alarmist, but consider that we are, as a culture, willingly

Don't Encourage Them
There's a reason why most published media has editors and (as I often tell students) why you want to re-read and revise anything you write (at least once, often with the intervention of time and sobriety) before committing it to publication.

See? It rolls right off .

I agree about Acid and movies—Movie, and (especially) TV screens have a mild, natural hypnotic effect which transixes me, but when I was tripping those screens were always the least compelling thing in the world—so I would get this weird intersection that had me trapped on a sofa transfixed by the least compelling

ZMF can have all the beef he wants—I have a thick skin, I don't hold grudges and I don't get into internet slap fights either.

Actually, as a grown ass man I don't get into fights at all. It's called impulse control—most adults have it.

"After "The Lion King", the studio kind of ran out of good ideas for films"

The second doc I mentioned is the same 'American Grindhouse' that Puffer mentions. The first one is probably lost to history.

Sugartits—you need a different email address for each registration. And since you have to log off and back on again to use different personae, I gave up the Multiple Personality Disorder at that time as well.

Jij—really—where's the pretense in what I wrote up there? I get plenty pretentious elsewhere on this topic, but not in this thread. Or do you not know what the word means?

I had no problem with 'Henry and June'. I suspect a lot of people's assessment of it as boring comes from the expectation (a reasonable one, I admit) that any NC-17 movie about Henry Miller and Anais Nin would have to earn its sexual stripes. No such luck, but it's not a bad movie in the end. Plus there's Maria de

"Torture Porn" is lazy, inexact and unduly provocative language. I'm not going to get into this argument again except to say that there is such a thing as pornography that has for its themes bondage and torture and that alone is enough to disqualify the casual use of the words to describe what is essentially Grand

Even the Puritans hated to be called Puritan. It was always an insult.

Badass as they may be, I hate whenever somebody uses a headbutt to win a fight in a movie or on TV. All I can think is how much it would hurt both parties—so the only advantage is surprise and sheer audacity.

I can't decide if that film was the result of some kind of internal revolt over at Disney, or if somebody seriously thought 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' was a good story for kids. What's next, Disney? 'The Tin Drum'? 'McTeague'?