
That's right, CW, and he was the qualifier.

Not 'Hook'. If you're going to champion a hopeless cause and endorse a minority opinion—I'm all for that—but don't waste your effort and goodwill on the worst film Spielberg ever made. Save it for something that matters, like whether Chic belongs in the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame.

"Chunk being able to smell ice cream IS the joke"

Here's the pitch: 'Jaws' meets 'The Breakfast Club'.

A lot of those Spielberg and Speilbergian movies were balanced on the sharp end of early adolescence for me, and I was heavily invested in them for models of the kind of person I would be.

'Dark Crystal', yes. 'Labyrinth', a qualified maybe.

As Shore Patrol implies, Pixar proves: Being a kid's movie is no excuse. We have a right, maybe even an obligation, to expect better for kids than this.

Merely including a subtext—especially a sexual one—is not enough to make a dismal thing great.

With all due respect to nostalgia, 'Goonies' is a bad film, was always a bad film. In fact, it was one of the earliest examples of a movie I was excited to see because it was so heavily marketed to kids my age but then was really disappointed with. I also remember reading the Mad parody of it with relish because,

I don't know if people are still reading, but since others posted PJ links I'll throw mine in too:

That's NOT the same kind of Go-Go they're doing nowadays. But if I had to make a guess, one of the reasons why Go-Go feels so standoffish and insular to me (apart from the racial component) is because all through the 80's it was cited to be "the next big thing" and a potential rival to Hip Hop (which tries to merge

I helped that one of my senior year roomates had an uncle who had been in Zapp with Roger Troutman, and she had remnants of his record collection.

Oh, I was just throwing it out there—I don't know the 90's Punk scene all that well (and I mentioned elsewhere that Green Day always made me want to dig out the Jam and the Buzzcocks—and Stiff Little Fingers, too), but the OP's description of Operation Ivy struck me as very like the role of Minor Threat. Which brings

Good catch, Zombie—I suppose I should apologize and surrender my feminist badge for assuming that was just a stunt on Lennie's part.

so Fidel—this means nothing to you?:

The DC undergound scene still wants to be what it was in the 80's—So some of those "older types" are the same ones that were young then.


Sergio Aragones Studied Mime with Jodorowsky?
That's one of the best facts ever.

jajajoose— Clearly you have never heard of The Ohio Players. But in fact, Southwest OH10 (including Hamilton! Cincinnati but especially Dayton) was a hotbed of Deep Funk in the 70's and early 80's:

It's very liberating to realize that you don't have to work to keep up anymore.