
And Peggy Olsen was "misintroduced" as Patricia in the Topaz meeting! Coincidence? Or too much 'Rubicon' lead in.

"Joyce hadn't yet had time to seal the deal"

The sequel will be a small format gift book called 'Sterling's Pearl's: a Collection of Wit and Wisdom from America's Maddest Man'.

I think Ripheus just embodied my point about the unracialized White community. There is among many of the Black people I know a secret assumption that whenever White people get together they are far more consciously racist than they are, constantly throwing around racist comments, opinions, jokes and epithets with

The Doors were formed in 65, but Johnny Rivers had a series of successful, well-publicized and recorded residencies at The Whiskey in the mid 60's:

The show will not reward your hate for Dr. Rapey. It will subvert it.

"Joyce was trying to pick up the model"

You may have something there Danus—so the solitary funk Don found himself in in the hotel room was more him mourning himself than Anna. Doesn't mean he made the right decision.

Upper-middle class? Roger's flat out affluent. So is Don now, and Pete always was. There's a worthy discussion there though—the class status and background of the show's principles. We know Don's squalid rural past, but I think Bert Cooper is probably a self made man as well. I think the Peggy/Joan level is solidly

So Ithat means Ken's on the bubble. If he hadn't been in on Peg's Topaz coup, his little refusal to be a team player would have landed him on unemployment in time for the wedding.

I know she's got too much poise and home training but I so wanted Carla to smack the shit out Betty. You know she's seen it all, held that family together in spite of itself, and all because in the end, she likely couldn't afford to just throw that bitch's money back in her face. This is why the best line of the

Yes, Mad Men is soapy. It's also really well written, well acted and well put together. Where's the complaint?

"Mad Men needs to stop being a baby and go for the racial aspect of the 1960s already"

I'll verify that it matters how you come off to your ex even if you have no intention of getting back together, and even if your relationship is otherwise amicable—because there's always an unspoken comparison. Did we do the right thing? Is he or she a mess without me or do I seem too needy? The only way to get out of

"all mob princess" and a woman scorned—remember she's got all the skinny on his secret life. But that's not who she is really—despite what I think is a real reason to be vindictive, I think Faye's been close to this kind of thing in the past, and will just take it in her stride getting just that little bit more bitter

Whom might Megan have seen at The Whiskey?
Johnny Rivers practically owned the Whiskey in 65.

Line of the week?
Carla to Betty: "You best stop talking now."

"Bob Dylan rules all"

I said "arguably" and I said the "tradition" of Girl Groups which is a style that includes a lot of music performed by studio based solo acts like Little Eva and even those that were not technically "Girl Groups" like the Ike Turner Revue. That's not all they did, but if you try to tell me that 'A Fool in Love' is not