
I first noticed this effect in 'Poltergeist' where is is used to suggest that the hallway Jobeth Williams is about to run down to save her kids is actually stretching. Years later when I learned that it was just a simple in camera trick I felt both amazed and a little cheated by what I had imagined was another

To be fair—creative work often doesn't look like "real" work to people who have very well-defined job descriptions. There's a lot of waiting involved, and a lot of simmering of ideas in the background, and stewing of creative juices. Or as James Whistler said when he sued John Ruskin over the latter's criticism of

I don't think Harry's gay—he'd have picked up on Sal if he were, even if he was in the deepest of denial. But as I've been saying since Sal was canned after discovering what may be his true calling in film, it's possible that Harry and Sal might come together professionally, and wouldn't it be a real twist if Sal was

"She startles when you do that."

"Speaking from experience, you never see your gfs anymore once they're hitched"

All those old school syndicate guys used to work out of candy stores too, especially the Brooklyn Boys in the 40's (Murder Inc). As soon as she mentioned that and the restaurant service business, I was thinking damn, Dr. Miller's connected, but not with advanced degrees and not with a name like Miller. Unless her real

Not to mention Mountain Dew—although after last season's incessant ads I'm surprised it weren't Canada Dry. But I do like the attention to detail in that when Don opens it, it was a pull tab of the type we used to wear like rings on the playground, believing for all the world that they could make you bionic.

As recently as the late 70's early 80's the ads for Mountain Dew depicted hillbilly teenagers cavorting on tire swings at swimmin' holes and shit (think 'Dukes of Hazzard' after-party). It was substantially the same campaign as that used for Orange Crush, only fewer Beach Boys songs and way more cutoffs.

I used to kind of like that Henry was apparently an adult and at least civil, but he was very passive aggressive last night. Betty, though was a mopey child and I can see Henry having second thoughts. I never noticed before, but her pouting in the car on the drive home, she was acting just like a grown up version of

Best (approximated) line of the night:
You need three ingredients for a cocktail—Vodka and mountain Dew is an emergency.

"the snare drum turned into a bunch of milk"

I think you're missing the point—The band knew Nicole Eggert is allergic to goose down, so making her press her face into it will undoubtedly lead to watery, itchy eyes and difficulty breathing. Why do you think she's turning her head that way?

Pirate maybe. And then there are the Dahomey:

And I just reread my post and what I should have said was 18th to 19th centuries (I always fuck up that construct) so I'm talking late 1700's, early 1800's—the era of Hokusai and Sharaku as depicted in the film 'Sharaku'.

I'm not a fan of fish either, but there'd be chicken and other fowl and a refreshing absence of Christian moralizing.

Expert—I saw in that recent documentary that it was BBC policy to re-use videotape cyclically, and the only reason we still have 'Monty Python' episodes at all (and not a lot of their British influences) was due to (I believe) Terry Jones having the foresight to buy up the tapes—a decision he no doubtis thankful for

"you'd be your current age self, not your college age self"

"His ministry only lasted 3 years, and never went more than 80 miles. He got crowds of 5000 to hear him preach. his sermons would have been huge events. it would have been a piece of piss to find him"

"Get plenty of sleep. No coffee or sugar around"

What we gon' do now is go BACK…