
Do you hear voices?
You do?—so you are possessed.


@vandermonde— I believe that radio show is called "War of the Worlds."

If you're not a believer, 'The Exorcist' is a comedy. Okay, that's a bit of an overstatement—I can appreciate it as a fine Horror film, the best of its sub-genre even, but it's hardly unassailable. Since I have no stake in a Christian worldview it has never been scarier to me than, say, 'Clash of the Titans'.

You mean Jennifer "no, I'm not related to Karen, even if I could stand to eat something" Carpenter? I know she was in that other Horror Verite movie 'Quarantine', but I guess I just didn't know who she was when I saw 'Emily Rose'.

One thing that I think may work in favor of this is that it's apparently not a Catholic exorcism—which we've all seen a thousand times in the movies before. Even 'Emily Rose' which took place in the midwest and could have been something else (although I think it was based on a real court case) was Catholic. Now, to

"farm troubled by animal slaughter"
I understand how this is probably intended, but as Tom Waits says, "There's always some killin' / You got to do around the farm"—so, depending on who's doing the slaughtering, most farms probably wouldn't be too troubled. Unless it's the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm…

Perfect, and yet not where I would go first—if only because they are so early on that the director is still embryonic. Yes, the talent is there and apparent, but I would look at 'Dersu Uzala', 'Ikiru' and the noirish 'High and Low' and 'Stray Dog' before going back to an era where he was still feeling his way around

I love 'Hell in the Pacific' because it's just a series of vignettes in which the two actors alternate stealing the scene from each other.

My own response was more along the lines of an under my breath "Crappity Crap Crap" (I was at work and didn't want to attract undue attention) but I was audibly shouting on the inside.

'Tokyo Godfathers' may well be my favorite Christmas movie of all time—it manages to be both gritty and appropriately sentimental in a way that most American Christmas fare cannot pull off. As a non-Christian, I endorse its implied Christianity whole-heartedly. As for 'Paranoia Agent', it played a major role in my

It's not that he's dead—I went through the same process of discorvery last spring—it's that, if you look at his IMDB stats for the first half of the 80's, he was averaging something like 10 feature films a year, plus his TV series. Then, I guess after suffering a saturation of the market, he drops off dramatically.

While I recognize the inherent potential for suspense…
and I have nothing but respect for the people who do that kind of work—I hate to see it reduced to entertainment.

Hey Sir Osis, I'll be sure to do that—right after investigating all the major symphony orchestras, opera companies, and chamber music ensembles that also fit that description (because, again, talent for writing music and for performing it are not not always coincidental).

'Piranha 2D10'

Yeah—I remember "hunky" from Pittsburgh too, I always assumed it was Hungarian.

Here's my defense of 'Speaking in Tongues'. First of all, as an experience. I get that 'Remain in Light' is a better album from a number of standpoints, but I still listen to 'Tongues' about 10 times more than I do any other Talking Heads album, and I suspect it is because of its Funk quotient. To the extent that it

Back in college I remember having a conversation with a hippie agrarian type who was trying to suggest that cities were responsible for everything that was wrong with the world and we should all go back to the land and blah blah blah. My counterarguments were much like Malingerer's since I enjoy pretty much all kinds

"Speaking in Tongues" sounds like a sellout"