
C'mon—released by a company called "Holy Mountain"? This has Jodorowsky DNA all over it.

See, now you think you know it all, huh? But if you did, you'd know that was a line from a song and you wouldn't go around anonymously tossing off puffed up crudities.

Recently, after some or other review of some new album from an old MC, I made a comment about how fresh and exciting Hip Hop was in the Golden Age—and the response I got was that I was just old, and being nostalgic. But there was a Golden Age, occupying that brief window between the development of the 808 and the

I posted a link to that article.

Sorry—that was the single, here's the actual album cover:

Say, gate, let me pull your coat about the straight jive:

Marlon Brando rode a Harley, that wild son of a bitch…
But Lee Marvin stole this movie right out from under him—as he nearly alway did (My favorite example of which is 'Hell in the Paciific' wherein Marvin and Toshiro Mifune take turns stealing scenes from each other). And vis-a-vis the quote "Here comes Lee Marvin.

I'm just going to say again that there are only two movies currently in production that I can work up any real enthusiasm for, but I am so eager to see them that I might even go to a theater opening weekend—One is 'Machete' and the other is the Coen's version of 'True Grit.'

it's a mystery why anyone with such gorgeous red hair would feel the need to go the bleached-blonde-skank route
You can say that again. Biographical convergence aside, she shouldn't be recreating photographs of Marilyn Monroe—she should be playing a young Ann-Margret.

Say it ain't so, Sco
Say it ain't so.

I actually just went back and compared those two—in particular on their two disparate takes on the James Brown arrest. I think it's safe to say that PWEI's is the better track, and that 'This is the Day…' is a better whole album than any BAD did, but it's the only PWEI album that can make a claim of coming close, and

So much for the egocentric memory. I suppose next you're going to tell me that Roy Orbison's last show wasn't the one at the Channel (in Boston)whose advertisement I still have somewhere in the hopes that it will be valuable someday. Well just don't tell me that.

I saw Squeeze in a Lowell hockey rink in 1987 for two dollars on the strenght of '45's and Under'. This was the lowpoint after their first reunification (the tour was in support of 'Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti' which I've still never even heard.) It was a great show, poorly attended. The following year they released that

It's an opportunity!
I'm still waiting for a mainstream macho Queer MC to put all the homophobes on notice—Find a really buff, really butch, Gay MC with real flow, call him something like MC Top and build this whole avenging Homo image around him. First single: "Who's a Bitch?" using a loop from T-Rex's 'The Slider'.

I thought he was in Boston when that happened—I know I was, and I halfway remember that the Boston dates of his tour were cancelled.

I don't know 'Rat Patrol' at all—but it sounds like I would love it. 'Combat Rock' is my favorite Clash album and for all the reasons everybody else dislikes it. Assessed as a Punk record, it falls way short, but it's not a Punk Record—It's a Funk Soul record with a fixation on the state of underground club music at

I think the assessment in he review of BAD's albums vs. its singles is pretty accurate. I was fond of 'The Globe' when it came out (always a fan of the left-field sample) and the BAD albums that came before it are full of eclectic musical textures not easily found in club music before the rise of Hip House—and stood

Can I just say as an aside though, that the character of Angel on 'Dexter' has just consistently been one of the nicest, most likeable, most stand up
"guy"s ever on television. I mean, men on television, especially these days, are rarely allowed to be fully masculine, fully intelligent and fully admirable and I just

I spend many an episode of 'Breaking Bad' berating the character of Walt not to do a bunch of things. Skylar I really only need to berate for the one thing. This is, of course, independent of their knowledge of each other and the possible history of infidelity we can only guess at in either direction. Skylar's eye was